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Total War


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I was just randomly walking around the wasteland and thought "Wouldn't it be cool if a group of Enclave soldiers flew in and attacked that Outcast patrolling around"



Yes if you haven't noticed there isn't enough action in the wasteland these days. We should be having like total war going on where factions are deploying their troops to different settlements and fighting each other. Settlements should be gained and lost alliances formed (not likely) Troops moved around the Map Constantly no more BoS guys chilling at the Citadel and instead going over and raiding raven rock only to be beaten back to megaton in an effort to hold the line the Brotherhood Sends in more troops to try and turn the tide of the battle.





Yes no crap idea or great idea?

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Thing is that the world space is so big, and BOS only have so much health, lol. It would be cool Enclave chasing ppl, and vice versa with BOS, but you can only missfire so many times. Also, with MMM, I can see problems with so many animals attacking random patrolls of BOS, Enclave, outcasts, and all the others. But I do like the possibility of different outposts. Like small tents, or are we talking, for example, the citidel, and raven rock? Also, Megaton's neutral, so Why would the BOS hide out there? But select desolate places with tents could be cool for outposts, and troops warring. It would add to that "Were all gonna die!" feel. (also, Vertibirds have a lot of heath dont they? Wouldn't that mean enclave has an advantage? If it's a one-sided winning battle all the way, the mod might end up making things accually less realistic. Maybie add vertibirds to Outcats and BOS partolls, along with enclave?)
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Well, eweryone who have brooken steel (from now on BS) can feel some way or a nother that "we're all gonna die" feeling.


I meen when I scour the wastes after the BS's storyline I often find dead raiders supermutants (even overlords) albino radscorpions, which is tougher than an overlord (I think) water caravans, Brotherhood soldiers and sometimes the uniqe merchant caravans which is sadens me 'cous the're not only merchants, but friends (in some weird way)

Not to mention the few new outposts of enclave whit respawning soldiers, and more out there.


But still, its a good idea, after all. I agree too :)

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It sounds like a great idea, but oh the casualties from civilians...lol. I can't see having the whole entire map like this, as it would be impossible to get around..lol. If there was maybe like separate battlegrounds spread across the map, and those battlegrounds having tents, a whole ton of cover, and troops constantly being dropped from vertibirds (all sides ie: enclave, outcast, bos). Having at least 50 people on the battle lines would be awesome in that kind of frontline assault feeling.


I drew up a picture reference quickly:


Blue being BOS

green being Enclave

h circles for vertibird insertion points

red for gunfire

that sickesh green color being the barricades (theyd be more complex lol)

gray being tents and medic posts


lol this was a bit thread hijackish, but its a great idea.

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A mod like that would strain our rigs. BTW it will kill all the civilians (red, evan king, and all the other guys). You could solve this by making settlements more like megaton and rivet city (an entrance gate not just a bridge like in bigtown) but this also makes the mod bigger. This mod will require a whole lot of work.
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Have you tried Mart's Mutant Mod?


It doesn't necessarily add total war in the wastes, but it sure as heck adds some action. I basically caravan with just about all of the Vanilla followers, so the increased spawn actually brings back some challenge; giving me whole hoards of groups to push through if I so desire.


And yes, Big Town is often a point of contention even without mods. Before Mutant Mod, I'd often find Big Town under siege by Raiders. In my last walk-by, they took full control, killing all but one NPC. They left Bittercup alive, and using the Bittercup companion mod, I "rescued" and relocated her to Megaton.


I love this game... 200 hours invested and counting.

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Or you could just find a big secluded patch of nothing in the wasteland and make fortresses full of unique BOS, Enclave, and Outcasts that constantly blow the bejesus out of each other and you could come in as a fourth party and take control of your own fortress and militia. Then there could be rewards for defeating a faction and securing their base, when you do their troops will scatter to a few small camps and try to reclaim their fortress. The troops at the small camps will keep respawning until they capture their base back and continue respawning there so that no faction will ever really die out. I'm guessing your militia will be fairly generic people and ghouls (if you befriend ghouls, maybe a quest could be involved) wearing combat armor. Maybe even retextured combat armor with 101 on the back or chest plate, just to make them a little personalized. Rewards could be caps, weapons, upgraded militia, unique units (I.e. a behemoth or something) or fortress additions (Barracks, hospital, armory, panic room, war room, shooting range, lab, prison, etc)

Yeah I dunno, I think I'm getting a little carried away with this. I tend to do that. :biggrin:

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