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The Doom of Resdayn


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True okay alex2avs is working on the landscape i belive

Okay so at the moment this where were at


When you enter Morrowind after lets say 24 hours a messenger comes to you with a request for you to join The Order you say yes

The order is of Necromancer vampires so in order to join you must under go a ritural to become a vampire and gain the resurect spell that we get stronger the further you go up.

You claim citys in epic batlles in copied cells and hole the royals in the dungen there are to many quest there needed for so we cant get rid of them . (insert plot here) you become the leader of the order then you finaly storm the main city and become the ruler of Morrowind (doing so means no more bountys in the Morrowind area?) and some other benifets


EDIT: they worshp Molag Bal

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Ow please change that sig, I can't bare how it looks now... ;D.




Why is it cropped at all of yours? As it takes more place than the image really is in size.

Being on the sig side...slawter.. you do know how large your sig is now combined? It takes almost half a page.

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Kieranfoy how long till the preview video will be done?

Oh, just a day or two.


It's my weekend now, and I don't have much to concentrate on, so I can give it my full attention.


I've got it planned something like this:


The Empire is in Chaos. The Emperor slain: (Cue video of dead Uriel)


The once mighty dragonfires (video of Temple of the One with lit dragonsfires) has gone out (same video, with no fire)


The soldiers of Mehrunes Dagon lay waste to the land (video of Oblivion gate).


But Dagon is not the only evil in the world of Nirn...


(video of Molag Bal statue, video of various necromancers -mostly Dunmer-, video of foreing looking places)

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Well, you are getting more interest..that's for sure. I can't help now, but I might be to later.

As a piece of advice Slawter and I had to learn the hard way..Keep the information somewhere together.

You could just put it on the first or second page now. Even though ideas are just spread and not necessarily definite. The more pages you'll have, the less coherent they'll be. Some people will forget parts eventually. You're at 15 pages already! So find a way to keep the info you assemble and find a way to save all of it before it's at nearly 400 pages and you need to find one thing and your busy for hours... Trust me... the search here can't beat the EG-Topic regarding to find something.

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