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The Doom of Resdayn


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Awesome. Don't let me take over by the way. If you think I'm exercising to much control yell at me, or type in big letters. Remember it's your mod, I'm just trying to get us moving.


Show us some screens of buildings and such, so that we can see how our textures should look.

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Hi guys,


Great idea and I would like to help out,


I can't really make new textures or meshes (never tried) But i am "competent in the CS


However, are you going to have the other guilds: Fighters, Mages, Thieves, Dark Brotherhood represented in Morrowind?


Might be something to consider.

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Morag Tong would be a suitable replacement guild for Dark Brotherhood. First we have to focus on getting everything built.


If your competent in CS I don't see why you shouln't be hired, we're going to need ALOT of CS work for this, would you be dedicated?.


Unless I'm veto'd by Kaz or Kierans got something to say to swing my opinion, your in.

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