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The Doom of Resdayn


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Any information you can muster. City plans we can search for as you have told us. But whatever you can tell us can help. Whats the city like? Is it poor, is it rich? Even if it's stuff we can find on UESP then tell us and we can search.

Okay, well, let's start with the basic.


Ebonheart: Base of Imperial power in Morrowind. Rich, but militaristic. Uses Imperial castle models, so nothing new needed. Three districts: the docks, whcih house the East Empire Company (or, did, I believe they went belly up during the Oblivion Crisis) a residential district, and Castle Ebonheart itself.


Vivec: Religious capital. Home to the Poet-God Vivec. Located in the middle of the water. Made up of cantons, big square multi tiered things. One for each house, a Temple canton, a foreigners canton, and a big canton with waterfalls wher Vivec lives. Needs new models and textures out the ying yang.





i think this is a good start for me a militairy city. perhaps we can add some things too it from our own thoughts

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We shouldn't stray to much from vanilla morrowind, we would lose Lore freaks to that. The two main groups this would appeal to are Morrowind purists and people who just want another world space. Generally Morrowind purists are going to want it very lore friendly.


I'd say start building Elrodian, find a layout of the city on UESP wiki, and if that fails, ask Kieran or Kaz to find you one. Then show it to Kieran or Kaz, ask their opinion, and change them to their liking so that it fits morrowind.

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Anyway Elrodian heres a map of Ebonheart:




What would the Mages Guild or the Imperial Cult have to say about Molag Bal Worshippers, I dare say they would oppose them.


But Molag Bal's worshippers aren't acting openly, turning the houses on each other, and no one can see who the real threat is until its too late.


Extreme Divide and Conquer I say


By the way I'm not "Epic"!

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Hey I would like to join the team


I can do some basic stuff in the CS (simple quests,basic npcs, and small interiors) but mostly i can throw ideas around.


Im not much of a modeler but Im trying to learn ( reading through endless tutorial lol )


So am i qualified enough ? lol

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