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The Doom of Resdayn


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Indeed. We need screens of cities in general for exterior makers, and close-ups for texture artists, as some of the team haven't actually played Morrowind. Calliton, your modeller right?. I know you can do swords, what else?

not much else... yet

im soon gonna work on making a more complex sword, then ill move onto sheilds, then onto armor

that is ma plan...

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Nice work, everyone; it seems that you guys are really making things happen.

As it happens, I'm currently playing Morrowind again, and have the big huge guidebook, so I can tell you pretty much anything you'd ever want to know about it, should that be helpful in any way.

Screenshots.. I hate to admit it, but I never did figure out how to do this. A quick lesson in it and I could give it a try, I suppose.

I am completely clueless at scripting, but I can use the CS to do many simple things. I usually use it to just make stuff like items and spells, and I can alter an existing cells' terrain and such. ( Neverwinter Nights was a lot easier, I gotta tell ya. In that I can do anything I want ) I can give inventory to an existing merchant, but never made a new merchant from scratch.

All in all, I probably wouldn't be very useful, since most of you can probably already do a lot more than I can, but I'll be watching this thread almost every day just in case. I suspect that plot & lore will be my only strong points.

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