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The Doom of Resdayn


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i need a landmass before i can build right and i don't have morrowind so some screens would be helpful. who i s doing the landmass actually


may i be creative with fortifications and very lore friendly with the city itself. i was thinking to make a chain of fortifications

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Whenever you guys are ready to begin making some things, I am willing to help out with this. Im new to modding, though Im confident with the CS and scripting even if I may not know every trick yet. Ive released one mod here so far that you can look at and see what sorts of things I have a good hand at, though Ive improved alot since that one.


When it comes down to it, if you have some little dungeons you want made along with some simple miscellaneous quests that may go along with it, Id be willing to give a hand in making them. You can Pm me if/when you are interested in my offer with whatever details you have in mind.

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