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The Doom of Resdayn


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Excellent. Now the people such as Elrodian and sinister can begin work. And as they are a very important part of the team, namely the modders :P.


Would you mind telling us which is which though.


I had no clue i was in on this mod :O ahahaha im pretty baffled i'm not sure how i could go about making the buidings at all :S makig things like this is very very tricky in blender because of the curves and angles plus i don't have the first clue when it comes to making custom interiors/exteriors

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Ive played Morrowind and loved it and Im familiar with it


The first picture is Caldera. The next 2 are Balmora. Then its a Daedric shrine and then Caldera again and last is Ald Ruhn


Correct me if Im wrong :biggrin:



the second picture is not balmora its near Vivec where you see all the bull netches flying around

somewhat near to the siltstrider

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The first pic is from the little town of Caldera. I chose it as an example of building textures.

The next pic is a little manor farmhouse in the Ascadian Isles region.

The next is a little piece of the town of Balmora. A river canal splits the town roughly in half.

Next comes a daedric shrine. They're a MUCH bigger deal in Vvardenfell than in Cyrodiil.

Next we're back in Caldera, over on the next block.

Finally we see the Fighter's guild hall in Ald Rhun. Like most of the major buildings in this town, it is fashioned from the fossilized remains of a gigantic ancient crustacean, with some old velothi/dunmer parts added on in the middle. It looks all red & dusty because I took this pic during one of the daily volcanic ash storms that ravage this area.

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