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Is this a big problem?


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ive just downloaded quite alot of plugins, when i started morrowind up it wouldnt play, whihc didnt really supprise me, problem is that it still wont work even tho ive taken all the new plugins i installed? an error message comes up saying morrowind or woteva cant find "meshes/curser.nif" , it crashes then, not to the desk top or n e thin, it just dies on me... i suppose it freezes then?! i dunno, n e way main problem is that it doesnt work?! :unsure:


Did the plugins i get screw the game up (even tho they arent in use n e more? also, i didnt actually get to into the game at all, it crahses more or less soon as i click "play"). Or have i dont something really stupid and deleted a really important file? cus i did alot of, erm, "chopping" and changing...


plz help, kate :ph34r:

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Well if I had to guess, you are looking at re-installing your program files. What, exactly, do you mean by "chopping and changing"? That doesn't sound good to me at all. I can't think of any reason you would need to be deleting Morrowind files as you can simply "un-plug" problem plug-ins. If you have been deleting files, I suspect that yes, you have deleted a required system file.


I suggest the following: Make a copy of your "Saves" folder and then do a re-install of Morrowind. Once you're sure you can get MW up and running again, start adding your Plug-Ins checking from time to time to make sure that some dastardly plug-in isn't causing your problem.


Once you're running smoothly, you'll need to start a new game just until you can do a "Save". Don't worry, you'll be able to get you old character back, but MW needs to create the "Saves" folder during game play. With a fresh install, MW won't "see" the Saves folder if you just move your backup copy into the directory. Once you've done a "save" in your new game, quit, copy your saves from your backup "Saves" folder into the new "Saves" folder. Start MW again and you'll be able to load your saved character back up and pick up from wherever you left off.


Hope that helps!

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  • 1 year later...
hey im new but ill get straight ta tha point uhh... i had the same prob but i dont have the discs nemore i was wondering cant one of u guys just give me the file or wont that work?
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Hi there, please read the forum rules as the kind of post you made here is not popular. (Hijacking rather than necromancy). You say you no longer have a file because you no longer have the MW discs. If you don't have the expansions (Tribunal, Bloodmoon) it would be worth your while getting the GOTY edition (cheaper to buy than getting the individual expansions strangely enough). This would give you all necessary files and add some more fun to the game.


If you have them already is it specifically only the cursor mesh you need?

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