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Crash on Load


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All right, I am fairly competent at modding and thought, "Hey, what if I make this door to <wherever> have the image of a spell effect?".


So I did that and the object loaded as a door and LOOKED fine. I saved and started up oblivion with it, oblivion crashes. :wallbash:


I load the mod, and it crashes when it comes to loading that object, even though it was fine earlier. :confused:


Is there a way to remove the object in question, like in a debug mode or something?


And what I mean by "load the object" I mean when its doing the 1-100% load thing before you can modify your mod. At the very end it crashes to desktop (send/don't send error report thing). I can't modify the mod in any way I know of.


That would be awesome. :thanks:


Btw - No I did not have a backup cause I had been working on the mod for a few hours, and well, I did not take a break yet so I did not back it up. Another important thing is I am modifying the exterior world (tamriel), building a castle with a trap door and such, quite cool, but then that happened and well kinda put a stop to my modding. Sadly I do not think this mod will be available to anyone besides me, because of the semi-poor work, and the fact it needs all of Unique Landscapes to run, and I would need permission to post said mod.


Btw again - Sorry for all the smiley icons, they are just too cool and relevant to my situation to pass up.

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