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Everything posted by DavidBudreck

  1. This used to happen to me all the time, and still does occasionally. I believe it has to do with memory management. You can try installing one or more of the various stability-enhancing mods, which definitely does help. And, my suggestion would be to find one of the "pocket home" type mods that has a small cell to which you can teleport from anywhere. Go there, save, and then go to another city.
  2. I believe there is a translation issue here. There are no "Persistent Files," only "Persistent References." What this probably means, is than an NPC needs to have a Unique ID assigned to it, like "MyNewNpcREF" You can see which NPC is causing the error by looking at the "Editor Warnings" file, then you can find and fix it. This is not a game-breaking bug.
  3. You have placed or updated a leveled list that is causing the extra spawn. First try looking at them to see if you can determine the culprit. Otherwise, try removing all spawn points in the chamber one at a time till you see an acceptable number of NPC's. Then you know which leveled list you need to look at.
  4. This happened to me, and the culprit was Stirk. I know that this can happen if you have Stirk installed, or even Haldir's Hammerfell mod that has merged Stirk. The thing is, I had Stirk installed for years, then one day I could never enter the Tamriel worldspace, period. Nobody has been able to troubleshoot this for me, but I suspect it has something to do with Stirk changing the boundaries of Tamriel. If you have Stirk installed, try uninstalling it. If not, then you will need to do what I did, and start deactivating mods one at a time until you find the culprit.
  5. I don't think Wrye Bash merges leveled lists, but simply imports them from multiple places. What your screenshot shows is similar to how FCOM resolves the issue, by manually adjusting leveled lists one at a time. That is similar to what I personally have done to get the kind of effect you are really looking for. So, in answer to your question, the patch you have made is basically the answer, yes.
  6. If I remember correctly, the key is tucked away on or near the grate. You just need to look Really hard for it.
  7. OOO doesn't actually "replace" any vanilla armor, it just uses leveled lists to outfit enemies instead of vanilla leveled lists. The only real way of "going back" is to deactivate OOO.
  8. The Imperial Isle part of Grass Overhaul is not compatible with the Bashed Patch because it makes edits to cells. This mod needs to be run as a normal ESP in your load order. If you DON'T use this ESP, then you can still use the Bashed base Grass Overhaul, and the rest of the textures he overwrites are still there and will still update the grass.
  9. Adding the XML files is touchy and Very prone to error. Look at the directions of Exactly where to place the XML files. Sometimes, when making instructions, mod authors take things for granted, so if there is any question, try messing around with exactly where you place the XML file. Definitely keep track of where you put it! Write it down! I know from experience that a bad XML file can make the whole game unplayable! So, you want to make absolutely sure that you can undo this if it messes anything up!
  10. Unless you have another mod that depends on Horse Armor, ignore BOSS and try moving this mod later in your load order, as most likely it is some conflict. If successful, then you can make an exception in BOSS to put it lower so that you don't have to manually change it every time you run BOSS.
  11. Very annoying problem, but this is NOT the only mod that does this. There is an oversight or error in the factions of the people running toward you that you can't attack them until they actually attack you first. The easiest fix for this is a mod called "Stop Dark Brotherhood" https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/14127 This mod requires OBSE, and whenever you sleep or wait, a dialog box comes up with choices around calling these killings "murders." If you select "They were going to kill me - Self Defense is not murder!" then the murder count will be set back to Zero, and no later visit by Lucien Lachance. This is a good fix because, like I said, KR is definitely not the only mod with these oversights.
  12. I'm not going to try to pretend that I am a load order master like some people are. This does sound like a mod conflict, and if so, there is no easy way of diagnosing other than disabling mods one at a time until you find the culprit. In my experience with doing this (which is tedious, no doubt about it) is that it has NEVER been the mod that I thought or suspected it would be. So, just trial and error. Attempt the mods you installed most recently first, then move on from there, one by one.
  13. Hair needs to be "allowed" for a race. So, just downloading hair resources doesn't do anything without an .esp file to tell it that some race is "allowed" to use your new hair. If you have the ESP installed, then the order in which they are loaded could be a problem. Anything that loads later might override the allowed hair styles for a race, like for instance, if a certain mod doesn't know anything about the custom hair styles you loaded, but sets what is allowed for a given race, then that is the one that takes priority unless a mod that does know about your styles loads later. Try moving your hair mod, if using one, to the end of your load order. If not using an esp, then you need to use one or make one.
  14. No, wrong tool for the job. :smile: I have FormID Finder, but in the case of being silenced, there are no Forms to ID. "You are currently silenced." What do you do now? Where are you going to use FormId Finder? I have a feeling that I know which mod was the culprit, but disabling it had no effect because Actor Values are stored in the Save Game, so once set, it doesn't matter if the offending mod is active or not. I hadn't realized that "Silence" was an Actor Value. As soon as I realized this, the solution was simple. Player.SetAV Silence 0
  15. For anybody that ever has this problem there is actually a very simple solution. Player.SetAV Silence 0
  16. Great! I certainly with I could solve my own CTDs! My Oblivion is so heavily modded that I get CTD's frustratingly frequently!
  17. A little bit of a guess here, but are you using a graphic overhaul such as OBGE (aka Oblivion Reloaded)? OBGE has its own INI file in which you can disable its water shaders. I had problems, although probably not identical to yours, with OBGE, and I disabled its water shaders.
  18. It is not the textures that are missing... It is the height of water in the cell. This is because of a mod conflict, and there is no easy way of diagnosing, other than disabling the mods you think might be causing the problem (try the most recently added), and then seeing when the problem goes away. The water height from one mod is overriding the water height from another. If you are using Wrye Bash, you might be able to fix this in the Bashed Patch by using the Water Height Flag.
  19. One of my mods somewhere managed to permanently silence my character. I have played for many game weeks, and still have the effect... it is permanent. I have tried Dispel, both with Potion and Spell Effect, but neither has any effect. Does anybody know how to Un-Silence a Permanently Silenced character?
  20. From what I remember, this package can be installed in one of two ways, a "wrapper" and a direct injection. Read the documentation about this, and try the other. I'm on Windows 10 as well, and I had similar problems getting it to work. In my case, I never did figure it out and got disgusted and uninstalled.
  21. Reoccurring CTD's like this are likely caused by a bad AI package somewhere. The trouble is, finding it. There is probably no other way to get to the root of the cause except starting to disable mods until the CTD stops. Then you at least know which mod is the culprit. Then, you can move on to finding a solution. In my experience, it is Never the mod that you think it is going to be, so a thorough, one-by-one approach is actually the most likely to find the bad mod.
  22. You are going to have crashes, period. It's a balance between vanilla Oblivion that hardly ever crashes, and filling the world with so many bad guys that you can hardly take a step without crashing. Anything that adds encounters and/or NPC's or extra creatures in the wilderness makes the game that much less stable.
  23. TIE would probably be the next thing to try. It's the number of different critters/NPC's running around at any given time that brings Oblivion to its knees (but unfortunately, not the Only thing that does). Another thing to do is get your hands on the 4GB oblivion Patch, but alas, this by itself is not the be-all end-all fix that they lead on to believe.
  24. OK, when running around the wilderness, then my next best guess is Maskar's. Too many actors are probably the biggest culprit to crashing games. It's a catch-22 that the very thing about mods like Maskar's... adding extra encounters so that the wilderness is not so bare... is the very thing that causes Oblivion to crash. I haven't used Maskar's because I use FCOM, but if there are any options to lessen the number of creatures generated in the wilderness, then that is probably the place to start.
  25. I have downloaded but not installed Better Cities, so I can't help with the specifics. However, I know from experience that you will probably never solve all land tear issues. That is why there is a mod called "Land Magic" which creates a plugin that attempts to fix land tears. This is what I would recommend.
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