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Plugin Issues


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Something of a newbie to this, so I apologize in advance if I am posting in the wrong topic or am making a mistake whose solution shoudl be blatantly obvious. :unsure:


I've been trying to make use of some custom made races to try and liven things up on a game that I've already beaten a couple of time. I downloaded a couple made by a person named Sabregirl, who I think has been doing this sort of thing for a while. I've got the plug in loaded up and attached to the main files, but everytime I try to start a new game and chose one of these races, I get the following error:


Model Load Error: Meshes\Ryukai\ryukai_F_heat1.nif cannot load file in meshes\ryukai




This message repeats itself for the following as well




Meshes Ryukai\ ryu-wingsF.nif


Meshes \Ryukai\ryu-hanfoot.nif


Meshes \ryukai\ryuskin.nif


Meshes Ryukail\B_N_ryu_F_F2.nif




I'm still trying to get the hang of hte construction set, as I've just had the Xbox version up until now. Once again, sorry to bug you people, but does anyone know what might be going on, or how I might be able to fix this error?


Thanks in advance, and I once again apologize if there's something very obvious that I have overlooked.

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Looks like you didn't get the files installed right, the easiest way to make sure they are installed right is to extract them from the zip file to a temp folder, then drag and drop the sub folders: meshes, icons, textures, etc. into the data files directorty.

c:\program files\bethesda\morrowind\data files\


hope this helps.

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Split this off into a new thread. The post wasn't really valid in that thread as it was about NIF file conversion, not plugin issues. Please make sure your post fits in with the topic of a thread before posting, thanks. ^^
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