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bioshock mod


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i think someone should make it that is expierienced. it should have plasmids, the weapons, the splicers, the bouncers, the drill big daddys, the rosies, and it should have its own location that is scary and quest line. at the end you should be able to obtain the big daddy suit.


The Mod Should Be SCARY!!

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:biggrin: i beat it


and people take stuff from other games and put it in here so wats the diff

I can understand imitating content from other combat/apocalypse games for use in FO3 mods, but Bioshock is so fundamentally different in story-concept, content, artwork etc. that it would make no more sense, in my view, than making a Sonic the Hedgehog mod for Fallout 3.


But if people want to do it then good luck to them.. ;)

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fundamentally different, really?


actually i would say that design wise, bioshock is one of the very few games that would actually go quite well with FO3 (since it has 50ies and 60ies in it) and its all about mutation and mad scientists.


however that beeing said i generally dislike the idea of just copying stuff from other games directly. taking features from other games to broaden the spectrum of what you can do in fallout is a great thing, but personally i don't really get why people are so keen on running around in halo or assassins creed armor... thats just my opinion tho.. ppl can do whatever they like of course.


and it might be possible to convert say a big daddy to the game as a new creature... but the proportions are so different from FO3 characters thats it would be incredibly hard to make a power armor version.


to cut a long story short.. i don't think it's gonna happen (but you never know...)

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I like the Bioshock weapons alot, but not enough to model them for Fallout though


but if someone did make a Bioshock weapon pack, it would be the first weapon pack on the Nexus that I would consider downloading



But if I wanted anything else Bioshock like Big Daddys and stuff,, I would just go play Bioshock...


I can understand imitating content from other combat/apocalypse games for use in FO3 mods, but Bioshock is so fundamentally different in story-concept, content, artwork etc. that it would make no more sense, in my view, than making a Sonic the Hedgehog mod for Fallout 3.


;D ;D ;D


I'm sorry, there isn't really anything I can say to that... It is just too comical

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I suppose (just blue-skying here) that you could have an undersea location with all the glass passageways and big daddies and little sisters and so on, but for me personally, the big draw about Bioshock was the architecture and modeling, which had a whole different feel and visual appeal than Fallout.


Somebody mentioned the music as being similar to Fallout, but Bioshock's setting is pre-WW2 with its 1930s Art Deco & fairground artwork, its matching music and its surrealistic plots and traps, while Fallout is most definitely post-WW2.


Of course you can over-analyse all this stuff -- at the end of the day it's just fun & games, and if somebody ever did build a Bioshock mod for Fallout I'd give it a go ;)

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I suppose (just blue-skying here) that you could have an undersea location with all the glass passageways and big daddies and little sisters and so on, but for me personally, the big draw about Bioshock was the architecture and modeling, which had a whole different feel and visual appeal than Fallout.


Somebody mentioned the music as being similar to Fallout, but Bioshock's setting is pre-WW2 with its 1930s Art Deco & fairground artwork, its matching music and its surrealistic plots and traps, while Fallout is most definitely post-WW2.


Of course you can over-analyse all this stuff -- at the end of the day it's just fun & games, and if somebody ever did build a Bioshock mod for Fallout I'd give it a go ;)


WW2 ended in 1945


Rapture wasnn't build untill 1946, and the main story of Bioshock happened in I beleive 1959


so no, it isn't pre-WW2




Not that it really matters, Bioshock is still FAR closer to Fallout than any other crossover mod I have ever seen someone request, especially weapon style and such.

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