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Has the game glitched out in your favor?


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I know there are similar threads, like "most memorable experience", but I started something new for this because it was caused by a glitch specifically, and yet I went with the glitch and it worked out really well.



I was doing the arena again for the first time since installing OOO. I had read that OOO makes heavy modifications to the arena fighters, so at first I didn't realize it was bugging out on me.


The first opponent ran away from me! :blink:



There I was, an arena n00b myself (my character anyway) and people were cheering down on me. My first thought was "Is this some kind of joke Oscuro? Did you do this?" Well, I personally thought of many of the more disgusting stories of what went on in the Roman arena. I personally, myself, sitting in my apartment playing the game, found it to be a distasteful design choice. My character, on the other hand, just walked up to the cowering woman (my character is female as well) and said "Hold still and stop crying honey. I'll make it quick." SLICE. Then she walked back to the bloodworks wanting to smack Owyn across the face but not quite daring to.


Well, it happened again with the second fight, so I stopped the game and only had to disable a few mods before I found out it was actually being caused by Reneer's Guard Overhaul.



But looking back on it, that was a really cool experience caused by a mod bugging out somehow. I got me thinking about my character in a more serious light outside the context of the game. (I've said once before, she is from a book I wrote years ago that I want to rewrite.)



Anything like this happen to anyone else?



Well one of the more interesting aspects of this game is the mixing of MOD's and even if you use a MOD Manager you can get some strange results. The more MOD's the more chance of something like this happening

which is why you have to show some restraint in there use and even with a MM and trying to install only one type of each kind of MOD strange things will still happen, but to each his own.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't remember the name of the mod, but I uploaded it because what it did was make pack animals like wolves actually, you know travel in packs. Well, I was walking along beside a mountain, scouting for a new dungeon to raid, when suddenly I find it raining wolves! They were running off the mountain at full tilt because I was below, but they apparently had no concept of gravity
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I've just finished the SI main quest. Looking back i realieze i've been exploting a common bug to surrvive (i've been playing with the difficulty slider on the far right).

For some reason most of the NPC stopped folowing me and got "stuck" even tought they could have reach me without problems. Well i used this to shoot them with my bow n'arrows from far without taking the risk of beeing cut down in a man to man fight.

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I was fighting this vampire boss thing from OOO, it hit me so hard that I went from 100% hp to something barely visible, but it also hit me so hard that I went thru the wall, he couldnt hit me but i could hit him. Cranked the difficulty all the way to 100% and came out with 100 blade
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Mine was pretty funny, I was playing the 'A Rat Problem' Fighters Guild Quest and had the DreadWeave Armor on and was using Cerio Gravity Revamped v 2.2 when I went into the basement. The rats started attacking me and one tried to hit my shoulder, when it did its body spazzed out (like a deer) and got stuck in the ceiling with half its body sticking out. oops :blink:

Well one of the more interesting aspects of this game is the mixing of MOD's and even if you use a MOD Manager you can get some strange results. The more MOD's the more chance of something like this happening

which is why you have to show some restraint in there use and even with a MM and trying to install only one type of each kind of MOD strange things will still happen, but to each his own.




Like he said, mixing mods can get some funny results :biggrin:

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  • 2 months later...
I don't know if it's a glitch or something but one time when I still played Oblivion without mods I decided to go on a killing spree. My acrobatics and athletics were really high so I was able to jump on the roofs and once I was on one roof shooting fireballs at guards on the ground one of them somehow appeared right next to me and tried to arrest me. I have no idea how he got there. :blink:
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