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Recommended Mods for a Noob


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Hey guys, nice community you have here. :thumbsup: I'm new to the forum but definitely not new to Fallout 3. I've beat the game on the PS3, but just picked up the GOTY ediiton for PC. I haven't touched any of the DLCs and wanted to try out some mods that could sweeten the experience this time around.


I guess my question is... what would you guys recommend for someone that has beaten the original game once and is starting over from scratch? Again, I haven't touched any DLCs and do plan on checking those out at some point. That being said, i'm equally excited to try out some mods that have universal appeal to Fallout 3 players.


The main kind of mods i'm looking into are Quest Mods that will add gameplay hours. I've also heard there is a weather mod which sounds interesting. Anything else that would add to the gameplay experience would be beneficial! I want to avoid mods that have compatibility issues w/ DLC. I'm still new to mods so nothing extremely hard to setup would be preferred. Possibly a set of mods that mesh well together w/ no compatibility issues is key! I want a smooth experience! :thumbsup:


The only thing I have picked up so far is the Fallout Mod Manager. Would love some basic recommendations before I start on my new adventure in the waistelands! :thanks:

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