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Character is turning around at char creation


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I've just bought a legendary edition of Skyrim and I'm practically stuck on character creation.


Camera won't focus on face, instead the character is stuck in some slow "turn around" animation, flailing the head around too fast to set any detail on the face right.. most of the time I'm looking behind their ear..


it only happens with Females, males stand still like they should..



I originally suspected it was the newest version of Racemenu mod, but after deleting that and installing older version (2.1.5) those girls still flail around.. I'm getting desperate and I'm really starting to regret that purchase..



Females still flail around even with Racemenu shut down, so I don't have any idea what causes it..


Since it happens even after I deactivate ALL mods and play without SKSE, I must assume it's intended... so anyone got any idea how to stop females from flailing around stupidly?

Edited by peregrine111
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Did the Original game work?


Did you add a Body mod,? Skeleton,? Some script mods wreak havoc at the beginning of the game.


EDIT: yes i realize you said you tried will all mods disabled..regreat what phurchase? the game with NO mods is worth the price.

Edited by camaro_69_327
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