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Tranquility Lane


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When I enter the Lounger that activates the simulation my screen turns white (normal) but then it just fades and leaves my char unmovable and trapped in the lounger instead of redirecting me to TL. If I coc to TL and activate the failsafe the quest TL isn't completed and the door doesn't appear (neither do the chinese soldiers).


I run FOSE and the 3 most major mod I intalled are: cybernetic Dawn, PDA Readius, COMM (commonwealth of modders) + all DLC


Should I reinstall FAllout 3 or do you know a solution?


P.S. This happens in every savegame and in every char.....also it occasionally crashes when trying to save or enter a new area (I fixed this by re-reloading)


Thank you!

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ne...Ako deaktiviraš Comm bez unninstal procedure-ctd


A za deinstalaciju moraš otici na otok(moraš maknuti skriptane perkove koje comm koristi)

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Može biti...Otvori comm sa gekom, nađi perkove koje koristi i uzmi id-ove pa ih u igri makni pomocu konzole...


player.removeperk id


EDIT: samo makni perkove i deaktiviraj mod u Fomm-u

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