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UESP's Body Mods


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Hi. I'm running into a bit of a problem...various bodymods; there are four main one's spoken of here http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:Body_Mods. But I can't seem to find them in the search engine on tesnexus because everybody posts mods relating to those body modifications and not original files. I was wondering if you could help me find the source files, and perhaps describe which one you prefer and why. This is because I'm a total noob (obviously) lol. thanks.
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Hi. I'm running into a bit of a problem...various bodymods; there are four main one's spoken of here http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:Body_Mods. But I can't seem to find them in the search engine on tesnexus because everybody posts mods relating to those body modifications and not original files. I was wondering if you could help me find the source files, and perhaps describe which one you prefer and why. This is because I'm a total noob (obviously) lol. thanks.


That's pretty far out of date.


I think I'd revise the female body list now to these main categories, but there are a lot of subgroups and variants. Here are some of the most popular current choices.


Bab Retail, (use mirror)

Bab Complete




Robert's Original

Robert's Compendium





Growlf's Hot Body v5



There is really a wide range of high quality bodies and variants now that you're sure to find something you love. Due to space and time, these are the bodies I know of that have the most support for skin textures, clothing, and armors and that's why I've listed them.

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Thank you. I appreciate it very much. BTW: Is there a texture resource website for oblivion? I'm trying to download all the visual enhancements for oblivion as well. thanks.



There's an old-ish one that was done by one of the Regulars on the Bethsoft forum. I'm wracking my brain for his name..


Ah here it is!



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