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Trying to make new companions Using RR Companions Vault and geck


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Is there anyway I can make a custom companion using custom clothes,hair, and the types 3 body??I place the companions in vault 1, and whenever i enter the game crashes, and says fallout has stopped working. If I don't have any custom items on them they will work,If They just have the custom clothes they will be naked. and If they dont have custom anything they will work.
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You can have have custom stuff (weapons, gear & hair) you just need to make them native to the companion mod or accessible to it. the reason for your problem is that ESP files normally can't reference each other in-game.


Weapons & gear:


Save the items as a new ID with the companion mod active then add new items to the NPC's inventory.




If the Hair mod is an ESM file just make it a master to the companion mod.


hope that helps & Welcome to the Nexus.

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when you make make a mod "Active" in the GECK checkmark the box for the ESM you want as master for the mod, when you save it, itshould have a new master.


TYpe 3 body:

as a replacer, that should work if it's installed correctly for the default races


hope that helps

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I can't make the Hair pack Master to the companion mod. Everytime i load the companion .esp with the Hair .esm it says "Multiple Master files selected for load. Load Operation aborted. I think because everytime I load my companion .esp it has to open the rr companion vault .esm
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I can't make the Hair pack Master to the companion mod. Everytime i load the companion .esp with the Hair .esm it says "Multiple Master files selected for load. Load Operation aborted. I think because everytime I load my companion .esp it has to open the rr companion vault .esm

then you will need to edit your "GECKCustom.ini"notepad works fine if you don't usually mess with .ini files file (just search your C drive), look for the line "bAllowMultipleMasterLoads" & change the "0" to "1" then it should work.

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I still cant get the hair or eyes to work. I made the Hairpack.esm a master to the companion mod. whenever I try to play my custom companion just ends up using the default hair and eyes...

Yeah, I've ran into a bit of that wackiness on occasion myself, something you can try is loading your modlist in >FO3Edit< & see if you can change it there.


Here's a good manual if you need it >Web-enized by csb<


If that fails you may need to re-do your mod from scratch & pray to the computer gods more :ermm:

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