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Nif files missing


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I have been using TES Construction for the better part of half a year and also used NifSkope a little to. All I want to no really is why main oblivion files are missing yet they still work fine.


For example Middleclass paintings. I can use them fine in TES Construction and there fine in game. If I how ever want to edit the texture or remove the frame or something the Nif file is not in the location that it should be. It has to be somewhere to edit or the game wouldn't load it correctly and this is not the only file, I count about 5 or 6 that I had wanted to edit but can not find the nif to do so. Could anyone explain this for me as I feel limited to what I can do.


Hope you understand what I mean and hope someone can help



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the Meshes (the objects inj-gam without textures) are stored in Oblivion\Data\Meshes.bda

and the textures in the same folder but Textures.bsa


you'll need a program like bsa commander (google search) to extract the files from there.

OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) - has a similar tool too ;)

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