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Countess Caro must pay


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Having just finished the Thieve's Guild Ring Retrieval quest, I was able to coax out the information that a certain racist countess not only hates, but actively mutilates and tortures non-humans. Needless to say, I was looking forward to giving the female dog her comeuppance, but was sadly disappointed when I found myself unable to make use of this information. Worse, when I tried loading the save file of my primary KotN character (an Argonian, no less), I found not only that I couldn't do anything after finding the charnel room, but that I couldn't even get people to mention the female dog's torture chamber, even when they liked me 100%. And the Sanguine shrine quest was an even bigger disappointment. :wallbash:


I must say, I am quite pissed. It seems fairly obvious that the programmers originally intended to do something with the bloody countess game-wise, but for whatever reason let those elements hang in the air. Granted, there are other ways of killing her, but I want to do it without cheating and without raising my infamy. Or better yet, punishing Caro without having to kill her at all.


What I'm suggesting is not that Alessia Caro be killed, but that she be exposed and arrested (if she resists arrest, so much the better). The quest could start with mutterings about her overt racism and eviction of non-humans from several communities, and perhaps rumors of darker things if one's charm is high enough or enough coins are dropped. The protagonist goes to investigate these rumors, and with a little pressure on the household staff finds out about Alessia's torture chamber--perhaps even breaking in and rescuing a prisoner. After gathering sufficient evidence, one could take this information to Chancellor Ocato in the Imperial City, and then accompany a contingent of Imperial Guard sent to arrest the countess for her crimes. As for how smoothely the arrest goes, Count Caro's culpability in all this, the fallout for the citizenry of Leyawiin, and quest rewards, I have yet to think that far. However, the idea of that stuck-up female dog rotting in a dungeon somewhere sounds pretty satisfying.


Regrettably, I have no modding or programming experience whatsoever beyond plugging in files I've found here. Seeing as no mod has been made to achieve similar ends, I felt this place was the best place to turn.

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Seems very doable. However this should only be startable if all quests concerning her are completed.


It seems pretty easy and pretty good.


Good luck.


Yeah, the thought had occurred to me too. It might be useful to integrate the "information gathering" portion with either the Sanguine or Thieves' Guild quests. Similarly, it might be useful to integrate this somehow with the Dark Brotherhood assassination quest; after all, she should be fairly easy to kill if she's locked in a dungeon somewhere. And of course, assassinating her before her crimes become public would remove the possibility of exposing her.

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Yeah, the thought had occurred to me too. It might be useful to integrate the "information gathering" portion with either the Sanguine or Thieves' Guild quests. Similarly, it might be useful to integrate this somehow with the Dark Brotherhood assassination quest; after all, she should be fairly easy to kill if she's locked in a dungeon somewhere. And of course, assassinating her before her crimes become public would remove the possibility of exposing her.

Personally, Ilike the idea of it being a DB quest. Maybe it's an unoffical quest, after all the Sanctuary Mistress of the Cheydinhal Sanctuary is Argonian; maybe one of Ocheeva's relatives was a victim of Caro.

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Personally, Ilike the idea of it being a DB quest. Maybe it's an unoffical quest, after all the Sanctuary Mistress of the Cheydinhal Sanctuary is Argonian; maybe one of Ocheeva's relatives was a victim of Caro.


Well when I requested it, I did so with the idea of fielding a "good" character, and giving Caro her comeuppance in a way that doesn't necessarily require killing her. Given the quest Ocheeva and her brother requested "off the books" for that other shadowscale, I could see that option too. Heh, perhaps you could get a bonus for killing her in a way that exposes her crimes, leaving the people of Leyawiin tittering about the scandal for the rest of the game...

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