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Diablo 3


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is it just a rumor that diablo 3 is going to be developed, or is there some actual evidence that blizzard is going to make it?

Nothing official yet but 99% of the gaming community suspect Blizz is working on it... they can't keep a secret from us :rolleyes:

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I'd be interested in this if they were. I never got to play either of the first two, but I've read the books, so I know the theme and look forward to doing some Necromancy and stuff!

I didn't play them either... well, I played D2 for about 15 minutes once :P

I'm curious to see what Blizz will be able to do with today's technology, their experience and the Diablo universe... too bad most of the D1-D2 developers (now known as Flagship Studios) left Blizz. =/

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