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Where are the default meshes and icons saved if you want to make your own item?

You need to extract them from the .bsa archives using BSA commander or a similar program. The files still exist within those archives so there's no need to do a backup. It is however suggested to save the exported files somewhere other than your data folder and to only move over those files which you intend to use for that mod. If you have mods which override some vanilla data files (body mods for instance) you may want to refrain from moving the vanilla versions of those files into that directory. The files moved will still need to maintain the vanilla data folder structure, so you may need re-create portions of that folder structure in your data folder just for one file.


For instance, iron weapon meshes are located at:



So in your Oblivion data folder, you may need to create an empty folder named "Meshes". Inside that "Meshes" folder, you may need to create an empty folder named "Weapons". Inside that "weapons" folder you may need to create an empty folder "Iron" before you can copy over the mesh you extracted and use it in the CS. By doing this, you alleviate the need of having to include the vanilla resources used in your mod since you are linking to files which are present within the BSA archives at that specific folder.

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Where are the default meshes and icons saved if you want to make your own item?

You need to extract them from the .bsa archives using BSA commander or a similar program.

Huh? not gettin the .bsa unpacker thing

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Where are the default meshes and icons saved if you want to make your own item?

You need to extract them from the .bsa archives using BSA commander or a similar program.

Huh? not gettin the .bsa unpacker thing



Open the archive, select the files you want to extract, and extract them to a directory of your choice.

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Where are the default meshes and icons saved if you want to make your own item?

You need to extract them from the .bsa archives using BSA commander or a similar program.

Huh? not gettin the .bsa unpacker thing



Open the archive, select the files you want to extract, and extract them to a directory of your choice.


That is incredebly unessecary, all you need to do is to use an item as a template. Click it, edit it, type a new item ID, when you then click OK, it will ask you if you want to create a new object, click yes, and there is your item template, then you can simply give it the damage, durability and enchants that you want it to have.


In that way, you can use the regular models/meshes and icons without the hassle of extracting, and you won\\\'t have to add the meshes attached with your esp file. You did say you wanted to make your own item, not models, right?

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Where are the default meshes and icons saved if you want to make your own item?

Sounds like you are wanting to make modifications such as a retexture...as Vagrant0 said, you will need to extract the originals from the BSA archives.


How To Extract BSA Files Using BSA Commander

How To Create Texture Replacers

How To Create New Re-Textured Items


However, if you are wanting to make unique items (without modifying the meshes or textures), then what Lord Garfield said is the way to go.


How To Add Objects For Sale

How To Add Items and Enchantment



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I just gotta say that every day around here you guys simply amaze me. The things you know about these kinds of things... just wow.


There are tutorials for everything, we just pass on what we learned there. Full credits goes to Bethesda for skipping the binary code and encrypted engine, really >_<.

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