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Skyrim lags after saving game


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Hi could anyone help me with this problem, skyrim plays ok but every now and then after doing a new save when I try and pick up where I left off the game loads but has serious Lag problems, I've re-installed skyrim several times and all goes well for 10-20 hours of game play then after saving the game I get this Lag problem again, this has happened 3-4 times in the last 2 weeks, I've been playing the game since last august with several Mods and until recently it was working fine, when I verify the game cache in steam it says 1 file failed to validate and is required... I have an Alienware M17xr3 Laptop ''and use an Xbox controller''with these specs... Intel ® core TM i7-2760 QM CPU @ 240GHZ 240GHZ Ram 8GB 64Bit OS ... Thanks for any help that you can give me.


sorry if this has been asked before..

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You should make clean saves and uninstall all mods. Simply save, quit, go to the save folder and delete all the saves except the most recent one, uninstall all of your mods and go back to the game, load the save and make a new save on a different save slot. Also try to avoid saving on one save only.

I hope this will help.


I don't know about the steam validation though. I never had to do such a thing.

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clean saves dont really work with skyrim, especially if you're trying to do it once you've had mods running and then deactivating them to make the save.

Might be a good idea to defrag your hard drive and do a HD scan to see if there are any problems.

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Thanks guy's I tried all your suggestions and still no joy :/ I also deleted all the mods and deleted all the 'unwanted files etc from the data folders thinking it would revert back to the vanilla game.. loaded the game and changed the settings to Low, started a New game from scratch... and yes it still Lags :/ atm I'm re-downloading the game from steam and will see what happens... I'm at a loss because the game has been running smooth on 'ultra settings for over 6 months with 100 or so mods installed until a few weeks back then the Lagging started in game at first then when I re-installed the game everything would be fine except when I quit the game then re-started it would launch with the Lagging problem.. my last play through was fine I had over 20 hours of play. then I did a clean save and the next day went to load up that save bang! serious Lagging :/ thanks again for giving me feedback.


one last Q: does anyone think it could be my graphics card or processor etc?

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Hi yes I did scan my HD and also did a defrag, will I be able to clean the dust off the gpu and cpu heatsink bearing in mind that's its a laptop? I've just re-installed skyrim from steam and the game is now back to vanilla my laptop selected medium quality ''in the past it always chose Ultra'' so then I went ahead and launched the game and I'm only getting between 12 and 20 fps >.< thanks for anymore info you can give me.

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haha my bad, totally skipped the part where you said it was a laptop :P


Have you deleted skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini before running the fresh skyrim install and generated new ones?

Any settings in with your video card you might have changed?

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Desktop guy here....But anyway


...check that your Video card is set to "Performance mode" and that "Power saving" features are not turned on. Is the laptop plugged in?


You could try.."Skyrim Performance Monitor" see what your system is really doing while playing the game.


Grins...i want that laptop...watched a vid so .....have you used the "Alian Autopsy".... is it set to turbo ...? that should run @ 2.4 Ghz (normal) but in turbo it can get to 3.2 Ghz What is the Video card you have?


Nice laptop by the way...:) IF it gets warm while playing is it lowering the CPU speed (causing lag) to help keep it cooler?


What is the Windows Experience for your laptop. The vid i saw he got a 7.7 "WE"

Edited by camaro_69_327
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Thanks guys for all your help and suggestions :) fixed the problem I had by simply up-dating my drivers 'I know I'm a dumb ass blonde' half true cause I am a female but not blonde :p oh and to answer a few Q's .. Alien Autopsy? don't know what that is :/ and yes it gets 'hot' when playing :/ windows EX is 7.1 :) and I don't know how to change the video card settings >.< all I know is I'm now playing on 'ultra settings :) so once again guys thanks for all the hints and tips...''I shall remember in future, now to re-install my 100 or so mods :)

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Thanks guys for all your help and suggestions :smile: fixed the problem I had by simply up-dating my drivers 'I know I'm a dumb ass blonde' half true cause I am a female but not blonde :tongue: oh and to answer a few Q's .. Alien Autopsy? don't know what that is :/ and yes it gets 'hot' when playing :/ windows EX is 7.1 :smile: and I don't know how to change the video card settings >.< all I know is I'm now playing on 'ultra settings :smile: so once again guys thanks for all the hints and tips...''I shall remember in future, now to re-install my 100 or so mods :smile:

Haha it's always the simple things that eludes us and when it comes to Skyrim it's often the case :P

Good to see you got it working :)

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