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Animations freezing


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I'm at level 31 and animations have suddenly started freezing. Doors take almost a minute to open, flames don't move (although I can hear the flames crackling), and every time I cast a cast spell I'm left walking around in a haze. Any suggestions for dealing with this?

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Sounds like the A-Bomb bug. I use OAF - Oblivion Animation fixer myself.


Note that if you use OBSE you'll also need to rename a copy of the OBSE co-save to match the fixed OAF save. Example ... if you use OAF to fix a save named MySave07.ess it will create a fixed save named OAF_MySave07.ess ... you need to rename a copy of the OBSE co-save MySave07.obse to OAF_MySave07.obse (takes longer to describe than to do).


Also note that the A-Bomb will come back after you've played along for a while. The Legion rider's troches make a good tell-tale when it's just starting (their flames start trailing lazy wisps). Just run OAF again and you're good to go for a while longer.

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