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Any quick viewer for nif file? tired of all the waiting and progress b


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Just as the title states.


I am a perfectionist, and I really like cosplay (in oblivion)

When I try to make some costume, I want to have the right hairs on them, however, looking through all the hair.nif is such pain in the butt

Is there a software other then the nifskope that can view nif file really quickly?

I don't care about all other options, or if it can edit the nif file at all...


I posed this thread in Nifskope forum too


If I fine out anything at all, I will put it here, too

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The only other "NIF" viewer I know about is the one built into Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) but that certainly is not a quicker solution that simply double-clicking a NIF file to load NifSkope.



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Only other option, depending on what you're wanting to look at, would be defining objects in the CS that are linked to that mesh. You don't even need to load up Oblivion.esm if you have the mesh files handy. Just define a new static, link it to the mesh, and drop in the render window. This may not work well for everything, but is about the only other option than those mentioned.
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