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Workaround for Long Video Descriptions


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This is more of a suggestion for users/uploaders/video-makers than for the Developer(s). It's more in the Developer(s) favor.


By now you probably know about the new Video feature.

If not, Here's a Link to the News


Gopher, of GophersVids, has spoken of this small problem in a video of his. I quite agree that it would be an inconvenience to users to go to a video-share page and see a long description detailing every aspect of the video, because it means a good percentage more scrolling down to the next video than usual.


My suggestion/workaround is to encourage video-sharer's to have a "Read More"-type quick-link of their own in their description, to save the Developers a lot more hours of coding, when users can work around it themselves in a simple manner.


Here is an example:


[insert Video Here]


"This is the beginning of the description of the above video. Read More..."


Edit: In the event of the "Read More" having a 404 Error:






Edited by williewest10
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