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Argonian, Khajiit, And Orc


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What are your reactions to the updated appearance of these three races?


I liked playing with beast-race (and orcish) characters in Morrowind and I am pleased about their look for Oblivion. Scarvan, Ogrosh, and Talasma look like real people. The coloring and large, slit-pupil eyes of Scarvan are great. Ogrosh seems to embody the steadfast courage of the Orcs. I wish it was a better picture of Talasma. She looks as sweet as moon sugar.

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Well, I'm particularily impressed with the Khajjit's, they look great! The Argonians are also pretty cool, especially the eyes. I'm glad that the orcs aren't too bad either.


I think I'll be much more inclined to paly these races in oblivion, especially the Khajjit.


I still have a small amount of concern, however, for the Dunmer. Fingers crossed that they are nothing like what I have seen so far.

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well, the demo video from E3 on the Oblivion codex website showed a dunmer in it. He looked pretty good...AND sounded great too, the gravely Dunmer voice was done to a T.

I don't care how they look, just so long as it's a step up from Morrowind. But the ogre and khajit look good, especially the ogrish armor; it looks way better than what it was in MW. I'm still not feeling the argonians though. Not that I ever play their race or hte others, but still, their bodies are too humanoid. Does anyone know for sure if Beth stated that they would have no tails? Thought I read that somewheres...

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The beast races still have tails. Their lower bodies are more humanoid than in Morrowind and they can wear regular footwear.


Dunmer Screenshot:



The dunmer look like gray-skinned Englishmen to me now. I hope the many sliders in character creation will let me make a more thin and desicated looking Dark Elf. They weren't one of my favorite races in Morrowind. Maybe I'll like them more in Oblivion.

Surly bastards.

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They all look pretty good to me. ^^ I'll be much more encouraged to play beast races now, methinks.


As Vaanic says though, the new look of the Dunmer does concern me. From what I've seen of them I definitely preferred the old look. But with all the customisation options maybe it's possible to make one look good.

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Its a shame they changed the legs of Argonians and Khajiit, I kinda like that... but i guess it had to be done since we are going to have mounts now.
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to be quite honest with you, I think Beth was going for a "realistic" look when it came to developing the Elvish races. I mean, the dunmer do sort of look like about what I'd expect them to if I saw them in real life. The high elves also look nothing like they did in MW, thankfully. But for Dark elves, the reason I belive they aren't thin and gaunt-looking is because they're in the lush, water rich area of Cyrodil. Remember, Vvardenfell was a blasted heath and dry as a bone in most places. The results we see here could be merly a result of climate, these are the more pampered Dunmer, not the nomadic Ashlanders. Still, kudos for charGen, you could make a Dunmer look like he was from the Ashlands. That's what I'm planning on doing.
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  Stampede said:
While I do like the look of the Orc, I preferred their armour in Morrowind.


I agree with that. In Morrowind the Samurai-based armour was pretty damn cool looking. I can see that they've gone for a more Barbarian approach here. I'm not such a big fan of that style.


Well, at least I know that the Mythic Dawn Armour rocks. :)

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