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Animated hair with physics


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I think Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines has hair physics. That's an old game. Isn't it? I have it somewhere. Let me try it again.


Here is a video in which I think hair is reacting to gravity and head motion? BTW I think it looks much more realistic than Fallout3, and I think it's sad.



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Breasts and clothes are in the make for animation. It was done in oblivion and hopefully we will be getting a new skeleton in which we will be able to animate certain nodes such as clothes, holstered weapons, any loose articles etc.. Breasts are already possible just no one rigged to that skeleton so it hasn't been done yet at least to my knowledge. Hair was also done in oblivion although i think i only seen 2 mods for hair, but i haven't been on the TESnexus in a long time so there could be more. It is possible, just hasn't been done yet. I ported an HGEC for personal use and have rigged it to the moving breasts skeleton but i haven't attempted any animation on it yet. Plus the rig is kinda dirty and quick and the mesh needs some more re tweaking before it will look fully correct in game. Just wait for the new skeleton hopefully things will pick up from there.
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I do share the frustration that the hair in Fallout 3 + the hair mods are overdone cause the hair "clips" through the model which is a ugly sight in my opinion. Animated hair is more likely to happen than hair with physics.
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