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Animated hair with physics


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oh hello fellow SLer.


Nope, flexible prims do not use havok either, actually physics is specifically disabled on flexible prims, they just crudely simulate gravity, wind and drag with a few parameters.


like jigglebones :D


you can read a bit about it from the Valve wiki, it'snot exactly applicable to SL, but it's pretty much the same principle.


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oh hello fellow SLer.


Nope, flexible prims do not use havok either, actually physics is specifically disabled on flexible prims, they just crudely simulate gravity, wind and drag with a few parameters.


like jigglebones :D


you can read a bit about it from the Valve wiki, it'snot exactly applicable to SL, but it's pretty much the same principle.




That was what I meant, set them to phantom with preset mesh gravity/wind settings. A hack ontop of the havok engine to simulate what havok doesn't allow for

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Why don't we address this issue to whoever are making New Vegas? Maybe they'll implement clothes hair and body parts like we saw in Vampire Bloodlines. That would be awesome. Picture yourself walking in the desert camera on your back with your coat and your long hair and coat loose in the wind. I really really hope this implemented into a game which is as moddable as Fallout3. This way our characters hats, clothes and edited bodies wouldn't clip with the hair. and the game would become much more immerse. It may even deserve to be the game of the year.
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Why don't we address this issue to whoever are making New Vegas? Maybe they'll implement clothes hair and body parts like we saw in Vampire Bloodlines. That would be awesome. Picture yourself walking in the desert camera on your back with your coat and your long hair and coat loose in the wind. I really really hope this implemented into a game which is as moddable as Fallout3. This way our characters hats, clothes and edited bodies wouldn't clip with the hair. and the game would become much more immerse. It may even deserve to be the game of the year.


A game studio could deffinatly pull it off, there is just absulutly no way your going to get hair physics from a modder.


It is all going to come down to whether or no Obsidian thinks it is worth their time. Though, depending on how they implement the physics it could vary well make it much more difficult to make hair and outfit mods.

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