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IDEA::- Disabled Pipboy


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i was thinking it wouldnt be totaly disabled. you could fast-travel to major citys only (Megaton, Tennpenny, Vaults..... ect.) and changing weapons would be limited to Hotkeys. (if you havent assigned any it would be wise to do so) putting the player in a situation of last resort. fallout, for me, is getting annoying. im lvl 16 and NOTHING can stop me. (i dont use God Mods) i have a arsnal of high-tech weaponary to disintergrate any resistence in my line of fire. with this mod it could bring back some of the thrill of an ambush back. right now if im ambushed ill pull out a tesla cannon and *POW* nothing but limbs, id like it be more <Ambush> oh no! pipboy shot! <pull out my old Asault Rifle> this it?! fine... -.- <ABSALUTE FIREFIGHT!>
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If i had this mod my pip boy would be broken all the time o.o especially since i like to play with the suitcase nuke.... allot



Great idea but disabling everything would as said above, really hurt, if it were thinks like the data section, maps etc ok, id settle with that but looking at the pip boy its like a block of steel encasing electronics, Only thing that would pierce it is maybe a 50 cal BMG round except if it hit the screen, then well, your screwed.


If the mod were made then you would probably need a ghoul as the repair technician. Since their the only people who can live for 200+ years long enough to still be around in 2277

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  • 4 weeks later...

yeah, Crazy ghoul vault scientist... called Dr, Splocket lol, jks jks. but yeah, maby completly disabled would be a bad idea since the Pipboy is the biggest tool you'll use. limited fast travel and Hotkeys would work.


oh and if realism mods arn't your thing, don't download them. its your choice. :biggrin:

i dont like them much, but i prefer it over being stronger than an entire Enclave army as one unit, that just isnt fun, and fun is what a game is about.

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I have talked with cakester about pipboy disabling possibilities and he said it might be possible to move all the buttons and dialogue boxes from the pip boy into something else or entirely remove the pipboy in general and having the options solo, but i think he is prolly one of the only people capable of doing it because of his knowledge with the games functions. And i don't think he will be looking into it anytime soon if at all.
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