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Nude patches are fine. Dudes, though?


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I don't have this game, havn't played this game, but there is one grand and supreme constant in all modable games... There will be a topless mod. You can get into arguments about art or beauty, but the reality is not nearly that complicated.


1. Typically, most of the people playing or modding a game will naturally try to cater to their more primary interests, whatever they might be, and often set out as their first goal to achieve them.


2. Creating a nude mod using a female model is usually just a matter of a simple retexture or change of internal flags. Creating a nude mod using a male model requires actual mesh work to add Mr. Floppy (a painted on member never looks right).


3. Without fail, some people will go to great lengths to see nudity. Men just usually end up being the most determined.


It's really all a combination of those things. They do it because there is an obvious need and because they are willing to spend the effort.


Nude mods are essentially the modding result of rule #34 and #35.

(34 = There is porn of it, no exceptions. 35 = If no porn is found it will be made. Research at own peril.)

Edited by Vagrant0
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Honestly everyone has there on thought about the human body for me example really consider this if the body look good the soul better be good too so a both gender mod would be very kool (thinking to myself damn saki) plus i know a few other people in RL that plays on my pc and wants it lol
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  • 5 weeks later...

You have to have nude patches for both. If only for the sex scenes. Silly if you have a nude mod for the females, and the males still have those silly ass diapers on.




Warning. Two of the links below have pictures of penises.


>Admin edit, while the games may be mature...the forums must be pg ratedd<


Something similar to Slof's Boners would be fine for those few cutscenes where it would be realistic.


Edit: Didn't realize that Slof posted in this thread. Nice. If it's the same Slof that is. Should only be a matter of time for the mod then. Considering this mod Natural Bodies, and this one Awesome Project, because they're full on unique model edits. So the tools be there. It's just somebody putting in the work now :)

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I can agree with that. I'm not afraid of man-dong or alistars bare ass lol. I will download the mod for it to make the sex scenes more believable. God I love the modding community lol.

I had to laugh at SandiKay0's reply.

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You can put a login + age check on mods, and i believe on images on the nexus, but you can't do with forum threads. Hence the edit.


I guess. Still...


This is where the mods are discussed. Should be an age check here as well ? I don't know. Like I said, I'll keep it in mind ;)

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