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Guard fix


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Ill start with an example.


So today I was playing Skyrim and was on my way to Riverwood.

When i arrived i saw it beeing attacked by vampires and one of the enemys from monster mod.

I tried to help out by casting a spell from midas magic i believe, that makes undead flee.

I hit the guard that was already fighting with them too, but since it only affects undead it didnt do anything.

But the guards started attacking me anyways and completly ignored the undead, from wich two remained one still attaking them.


So I would like a mod that fixes this problem.


An Idea could be to stop them from attacking you and/or ignoring your hits if they were already engaged in combat.

So that even if you hit them accidently they dont start going apeshit on you.



I have looked for a mod like this for around a hour now, but couldnt find one, so i just went ahead and requested it.

However im new to the forums, so if i did make a mistake with this request, or a mod like this does exist,

I would apreciate if you could point it out.

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I saw a mod that fixes this. its a friendly fire mod and it makes it so unless the attack did a certain amount of damage the guards wont become hostile, unless you hit them like three times. I think its on the steam workshop.

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