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What is there to do when you have one arm?


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Well, I broke my wrist, :( and I'm sitting here, one finger typing this very slowly, being incredibly bored. What the hell is there to do? All the best things require two hands! I can't play Counter Strike or Oblivion or whatever and I can't really go out with mates yet cause it's to soon. ARGH.


Any suggestions?

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Ouch! not good

Read a book, talk to other people, go for a walk. Get reacquainted with your family. Be patient, a broken wrist is not usually permanent.

You could also try to learn to use more than one finger on on your good hand to type. It will not make game playing any easier, but it might make your typing faster. I do know a person who was born with just one hand, and she can type faster with that one hand than I can with two.

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That sucks man. I never had such an experience so I don't know what to say to you. Reading a book might be a good idea, if you like to read or rent some movies and get drunk while watching them to forget about your pain :P


I hope you'll recover fast and stay safe in the future.






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DAMN! That sounds painful >.<

Watch movies and epic youtube videos, I'll give you some:













Hope you'll enjoy! :)


Oh, and another great channel on Youtube called "Truth or Fail":



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is it your left or right hand?


If you can use your mouse hand, there are some games which can be played to a certain extent using just the mouse and an occasional keyboard strike. Diablo 2, and Torchlight come to mind. Think Lineage 2, and WoW might also be able to be worked mostly by mouse, if you are determined to get into it and happen to have an account for those games. (lineage has a click to move system, and hotbars that are clickable to trigger actions) (wow can have macros and controls setup, using hotbar mods to where you move and look with use of a 3 button mouse, and jump/perform all other actions with a clickable hotbar).


There are also some web games which don't require too much control. http://www.forlornonline.com/ is one I played for awhile a long time ago, has a free trial that can last you a fairly long time, and uses only mouse clicks. It's also quite a bit more in depth than the usual web game, so won't leave you a mindless lump of goo from playing it (like Runescape can, and often does). I havn't logged in to check on any thing in a little over a year though, but it should still be working the same as it has. But if you're looking for a web rpg that actually plays well once you know what you're doing, and has a community that is full of decent people (and some not so decent) this is my top recommendation.


Unfortunately, you won't find much in the way of action games since most require some quick transitions between movement and selection. But most strategy and rpg games out there should be playable with just mouse.

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You're bored and looking for something to keep you busy that involves one arm? hmm...Uncle Roe could give you some pro advice on what to do with that working arm...but i'll keep it G-rated and stick to the basics..



i've been in your shoes before,cept it was my ankle instead of my wrist,so i actually could still keep myself entertained through the xbox or pc.. but you can still play games..just not with a controller. many people underestimate the fun found in boardgames. find someone to play with and play a game of risk or checkers..something to keep the mind busy and entertained. You could log onto an online game you play and chat it up with friends.. you seem to type decently well with one hand as is anyways. go for a nature walk..cheesy?..very.. relaxing?..very...break another bone..trust me.. you won't be worried about your wrist.. or bored for a short amount of time..dish out a couple prank phone calls... me and my lil brother used to do this when we were bored,just stay away from government numbers.. other than that.. all i have to say has already been said by other people.. watch a good movie and/or tv show. good luck getting unbored.

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