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Sound Effects Issue


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ive tried adding bitter coast sounds to the game, and atmospheric sound effects. these add great sounds which were greatly missed by me, but it makes all the outdoor towns very very choppy and slows the game down quiet a bit! i have a 800mhz duron but i've never had the game slow down on me before. has this happened to anyone else??

by the way, im about to upgrade my processer! yay! :D

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I have a better computer than you, and even I get choppiness after an hour or so of play (It used to be reeealy bad with Tribunal, but now not so much). I used to have to turn off music (within the options, not just the speakers) cause everytime the song loads, it takes some memory, etc. So that might help. or turn down video settings. After I upgraded my video card, it was better. Dont know why bitter coast sounds would slow it down, but hey. Plus, you probablly wont get as many problems once you upgrade.
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