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any one play? if so;


-what faction? (H or A)

-What race?

-What class?

-What lvl?


im a lvl 19, undead warlock. so who all plays?

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It's been a reeeeallly long time since I played WoW. Over a year, probably. There just came a point where I felt like I'd "been there, done that" a few (hundred) too many times. Since then I've given Lord of the Rings Online, Conan, Warhammer, and Aion a go. I guess I'm just ready for the "next big thing" in MMORPGs, because they're all so cookie-cutter now, if you've played one, you've played them all. The last time I was truly excited about a MMORPG was way back in the mid-late 90's, with EverQuest. Of course, back then, the whole concept of a first-person RPG in which you could hook up with buddies and go slay monsters was a new concept. I remember many sleepless nights as me and my pals got together to go off on one adventure after another. Sadly, nothing has changed much since then, except the need for people to powerlevel, the introduction of bots, and attention-spans that almost ensure your "best friend" in the game won't even be there in a month or two. WoW is great, don't get me wrong, I do not think it sucks. It pulled me out of real life for the better part of a year and I had a good time, but ... well, I've been there and done that.


For the record, though, I always played Horde, I had a Tauren Shammie and an Undead Warlock, which were my two principle characters, and I'd capped them (lvl 60) all the way up to just before the latest installment (Wrath of the Lich King) hit, before tiring of the game and moving on.


Glad to see there are still new players excited about WoW. I think it's an overrated game, but Blizz definitely did something right (my guess is advertising), for it to still be so popular. This was a post I would have expected reading in 2005, not 2009. Heh.

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The last time I was truly excited about a MMORPG was way back in the mid-late 90's, with EverQuest. Of course, back then, the whole concept of a first-person RPG in which you could hook up with buddies and go slay monsters was a new concept.


I had over 500 days on my ranger in EQ so I thought it best not to risk a WoW addiction after that.

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Ewwwwwww......WoW (aka scourge of the social life)


I will NEVER play that game, nor any other game that requires you to pay monthly just to play a stupid game. I give kudos for BLizzard for raking in massive $$$$$ but I shake my head in shame of all the millions of people wasting their money.


Can you imagine the chaos if all those stupid WoW servers went down for entire day? Omg it would be like the apocaplypse because of how addicted people are to that game.


It really is quiet pathetic. People losing jobs, friends, spouses, MONEY, and countless days just to play some online game.


People these days have thier priorities all screwed up.


*long hopeless sigh*

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Ewwwwwww......WoW (aka scourge of the social life)


I will NEVER play that game, nor any other game that requires you to pay monthly just to play a stupid game. I give kudos for BLizzard for raking in massive $$$ but I shake my head in shame of all the millions of people wasting their money.


Can you imagine the chaos if all those stupid WoW servers went down for entire day? Omg it would be like the apocaplypse because of how addicted people are to that game.


It really is quiet pathetic. People losing jobs, friends, spouses, MONEY, and countless days just to play some online game.


People these days have thier priorities all screwed up.


*long hopeless sigh*


All of the above are reasons why I myself, would never play WoW. I watched it once at some acquaintance's house, and he eventually got so wrapped up in the game, he practically didn't even shift a muscle for two hours, or so it seemed, as I and a friend visiting decided to watch a movie instead. 



Can't say if all Blizzard games are like this, but the way WoW is makes me think twice about buying any of there other games as well.

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Haha I just thought of a good comparison to what WoW is.


WoW is like cancer

Anyone can catch it without warning and it attacks all audiances. It makes people weak and feeble. It drains bank accounts dry. For some its incurable, some people are just too far down in the hole to be saved from the WoW beast. And it will ultimately be the death of some people.


See scientificly proven



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There is a reason EverQuest used to be called EverCrack, and there were articles being written in magazines like Newsweek and Time about lawyers, doctors, professors, etc. not showing up to work because they were so addicted to the game. WoW is just one of the newer (not so new anymore) incarnations of that. If you haven't seen the South Park episode about WoW, see it. It's hilarious. Still, if that's how you want to spend your life, go for it. I can think of worse addictions. Once I figured out, after years of playing the original EQ, that I could have instead used that money to buy a new car, or a trip to Europe, or a giant kickass HD television, etc., I decided if I was gonna play online games with a monthly fee, I was only gonna do so for a month or two. Unless one absolutely blew me away. And that hasn't happened yet.
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Haha I just thought of a good comparison to what WoW is.


WoW is like cancer

Anyone can catch it without warning and it attacks all audiances. It makes people weak and feeble. It drains bank accounts dry. For some its incurable, some people are just too far down in the hole to be saved from the WoW beast. And it will ultimately be the death of some people.


See scientificly proven




Wow... I sure hopes this is all sarcasm that I'm too thick to identify. >.>


Oh, really, now. It's just a game. I can safely say that almost everyone can handle it, without turning into Gollum-impersonators. Everything can be addictive to someone; that's why we have some people at the back of busses sniffing superglue. But I bet you most people will see this game for what it is: a pleasant little romp, not really worth the mountains of praise it's had but still a competent game and a nice way to meet people. Those who doesn't, however, and get addicted for real, they will need help, and that has less to do with the game itself (compared to other MMOs, WoW's grind & timesink-levels required to get anywhere's very generous) and more to do with addiction and the reason why to loose yourself like that.


What WoW isn't is some kind of hideous monster spawned from the nine hells to consume innocent children's lives and pile up money for *insert peril of today, like terrorists, communists, AmWay-salesmen, Saracens, here*. Despite what the papers will tell us.

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Ewwwwwww......WoW (aka scourge of the social life)


I will NEVER play that game, nor any other game that requires you to pay monthly just to play a stupid game. I give kudos for BLizzard for raking in massive $$$ but I shake my head in shame of all the millions of people wasting their money.


Can you imagine the chaos if all those stupid WoW servers went down for entire day? Omg it would be like the apocaplypse because of how addicted people are to that game.


It really is quiet pathetic. People losing jobs, friends, spouses, MONEY, and countless days just to play some online game.


People these days have thier priorities all screwed up.


*long hopeless sigh*


All of the above are reasons why I myself, would never play WoW. I watched it once at some acquaintance's house, and he eventually got so wrapped up in the game, he practically didn't even shift a muscle for two hours, or so it seemed, as I and a friend visiting decided to watch a movie instead. 



Can't say if all Blizzard games are like this, but the way WoW is makes me think twice about buying any of there other games as well.



nah not all of them...StarCraft, Warcraft, and Diablo are free atleast lol...but I have a horrible horrible feeling about Diablo III and StarCraft II...bad feeling that battle.net is going to become a pay to play server as well...but maybe not, they can't betray all of us.


Played WoW for less than a week and quit...it was like "Wow, how can people be addicted to this?" I found it to be one of the most boring games I've ever played...glad it was the first so called "free" month they give you. Was a huge pain in the butt to get my name off Blizzard's list...had to call them to get my name removed off the CD Key so I could give it to my stupid friend at the time who already had 5 accounts he was paying for...*sigh* Yeah...I blame WoW for his 150 pound weight gain, high blood pressure, and still living in his parents basement *rolls eyes* Spends $90/month on one game..yeah

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