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I would appreciate any help. I've been getting or at least trying to the best of my ability to get these files to work. The mods I am using:


Midas Magic

Skip Introduction Tutorial


I'm merely only using TWO of these mods and when I launch this game up it opens until it shows a black screen (or at least a slightly dark screen that indicates the game is loading) but after that it turns to another tinted dark screen meaning it immediately exits the game. So I am stuck having no idea how to fix this. I do have the 1.2 patch and I believe I do have the requirements for the Midas Magic. I got the Modular add-on installed too.


If I could have help on this please I would appreciate it. Please and thank you. I patiently await a response.


Edit notice - I forgot to mention that I also installed texture files to color the map and it's map markers. Along with a new main menu video.

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Do you have OBSE? and the latest patch? v1.2.0416 - Many mods will not work without them


OBSE, available hers: http://obse.silverlock.org/


Note that OBSE is not a mod and does not install like a mod. And it MUST be started instead of Oblivion (it automatically starts oblivion when it loads)


Patches here: http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_patches.htm

Be sure to get the patch that matches your game language, if you have Shivering Isles ONLY use the Shivering Isles patch, If niot, ONLY the latest Oblivion Patch.


I also recommend OBMM - Oblivion Mod Manager - it makes it much easier to manage mods, especially after you have a dozen or so.



Also not a mod - be sure to read the instructions

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Thank you so much for the help. I downloaded OBSE and I do have the Oblivion Mod Manager.


So I did what must be done for OBSE and used the OBSE loader and it didn't correctly work... or help. The same problem just came back.


I can provide as much information needed to make this work. I use Windows Vista and Oblivion IS up to date with the patch. I have the GOTY version. And here is a more... detailed look at my mods:


(In Order: Oblivion Mod Manager)


Checked - Selected


Oblivion.esm (Checked)

Knights.esp (Checked)

DLCShiveringIsles.esp (Checked)

MidasOscureGems.esp (Checked)

Midas Reduced Cost Half.esp

Midas Reduced Cost Quarter.esp

Midas Reduced Cost Quarters.esp (Checked)

Midas Better Holy.esp

Midas Tigernolevel NoOBSE.esp (Selected)

Midas Tigernolevel OBSE.esp

Midas BeastFortify Fix NO OBSE.esp (Selected)

Midas BeastFortify Fix OBSE.esp

Midas PowDurx4.esp (Selected)

Midas ElrichPower 6.esp (Selected)

Matt's Monster Mod.esp (selected)

MidasSpells.esp (Selected)

Kobu's Skip Introduction Dungeon.esp (Selected)


NOTICE: I switched most NO OBSE files to OBSE and it still didn't work.


And I do run this game via Oblivion Mod Manager... least until I got the script enabler.

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I'm just a dumb bunny when it comes to this sort of thing so I hope that you'll forgive me if I am wrong. I noticed that you use Vista. Did you install Oblivion to the default directory? That can cause mods to misbehave. If so uninstall the game and create a new folder on your C: drive and call it "Games". It is best to install all of your game titles to here. I install directly to the C: drive itself, but either is good. The default location will run afoul of Vista and Win 7's UAC Security Protocols. I do hope that this helps. Once again I am sorry if it does not.



The Rabbit

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OBMM will install directly into your Oblivion directory. Are you saying that you already have a "games" folder and that you have Oblivion installed to it? If so that would be fine and it would then not be the source of your troubles.




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