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Cat squad & bear surprise me...


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Ever since I was the cat squad in the market district it got me thinking...


How awesome would it be to have your mage/ranger summon a cat army to distract enemies :-D.


Also if you look at the description of the bear in using the toolset, it's says that the caged bear is supposed to be in the pearl not the market place. I don't want to know what they would do with a bear in there, perhaps add that to the "surprise me" option ^^.

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Maigrets made a pet cat mod. It's up on savageartistry.darkbb.com


They are non-combat pets, though.


sure that isnt for Oblivion? looks like a oblivion forum to me there, but i dont know the site, so i may be wrong

oh wait. you're right, my bad. didn't notice the forum... :whistling:

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What the hell?!? cat armour. How awesome is that...


But how do you get the cheezebugers in? Need some more thought put into that :). Funny I've never seen that before though.




Oh and here is some more awesomeness



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