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help with oblivion xp


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hi i install all the requiered to install oblivion xp , i dont use menu modifiers like darkUI....well i install it and works fine but when i reach lvl 4 or 5 i click on level up and nothing happen..the only mod that i have is the full unique landscapes..what i do wrong?..please help
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I'm not sure I'm following you. What do you mean by "Click on Level Up?"


You have to rest in some type of bed to raise up a level. Are you trying to click on the icon on the screen that indicates you are ready to level up? That won't do anything, as you have discovered.


I think that all you need to do is find a bed...

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Sorry, I do not use that mod and have no idea. I thought the "XP" was referring to Windows XP as opposed to Vista.


I can only guess that something is conflicting with it. Go through the Readme and look for compatibility. Also, go to the download page for this mod and try reading through the comments that other uses have posted. There are sometimes references to bugs or compatibility issues that other users have had.

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  davidbudreck said:
Sorry, I do not use that mod and have no idea. I thought the "XP" was referring to Windows XP as opposed to Vista.


I can only guess that something is conflicting with it. Go through the Readme and look for compatibility. Also, go to the download page for this mod and try reading through the comments that other uses have posted. There are sometimes references to bugs or compatibility issues that other users have had.




If this is the mod you downloaded, you need to first be certain you installed OBSE v0017 or later, and that you are using it to load the game properly. If you do not use OBSE to load the game, none of your OBSE required mods will work correctly.


Furthermore, that mod has a complicated setup. Manual setup is quite painstaking; OMOD setup is usually much easier but keep in mind that an OMOD installation can sometimes go wrong, and not install properly after all. In that case you'd have to delete the OMOD completely, and then reinstall it carefully, following any idiosyncrasies in the readme.


From the readme:

As soon as you have gained enough XP to advance to the next level, you will see a special effect play on your character, and you XP bar will turn bright green. Next to the XP bar, the Level Up icon should appear. When you are ready to Level Up, go to the Character Page of the Stats menu and you will see that your Level now reads "Click to Level Up". When you click on this entry, you will automatically be taken to the level up menu.


This is not the Level Up indicator in your HUD displayed during regular game play, this means to open your inventory screen and go to your character stats page. That is where the button to click should be.


I would suggest if this is not working you need to check that your OBSE is installed, that you're using the OBSE loader to launch the game, and that the mod is installed properly.

Edited by myrmaad
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