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Problems Applying Landscape Textures


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I have been having the same problem in different cells with different mods.


I am trying to apply a cobblestone texture to the landscape to make a road, but the problem is not restricted to this particular texture.


I can apply the texture fine to a point, then I run into a straight line in the land, and cannot apply the texture any further. It's as if there was a straight edged piece of paper covering the landscape so I can't texture it.


I have tried selecting objects from the cell. I have tried exiting and reloading, and have tried it from different angles and directions in the CS, but it seems like I have seemingly random areas that I can apply certain textures to, but not others :confused:


In an area a little ways away from the straight edge no texture zone, I was trying to apply a cobblestone texture but it came out looking like a different texture, again over an area bounded by a straight edge.

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It's because each 1/4 cell (quad) can only handle so many textures at once. Once it hits a limit in that part, no other textures can be added. Pressing "i" with the cell selected will bring up a list of all the textures in that cell by quad. You can delete or replace textures there to free up room for a new one.


This is why it is usually always a good idea to completely paint over a whole cell with a single texture at 100% opacity before adding anything that requires multiple textures to look right, like roads.


Additionally, when doing landscape editing on many cells, it's usually a good idea to save the .esp frequently. Depending on how much free RAM you have, moving around between many cells can cause minor bugs to the cells being edited (changes not being recognized in cells you've already finished until you try to repaint) or minor graphical glitches. But, if left ignored, it can occasionally just cause the CS to crash to desktop without any warning.

Edited by Vagrant0
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Thank you Vagrant; I figured that was probably the case, but am surprised by it since I didn't think there were that many textures in the cell, and thought something else might be going on.


Saving often, while in the CS, is AWLAYS a good idea, no matter what you're doing :P

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