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Well hello there, i have posted quite a bit but just now i realized that i havent made a "Hi i am here"-Posting...


so here it is :biggrin:


I know the nexus since i played Oblivion or Morrowind, not quite sure about when exactly and i know i registered as a member when the Fallout Nexus started.

But just now with Dragon Age i started to be involved here. Meanwhile i am posting and trying to be helpfull and even wrote a Guide for the Article Section on danexus =)

(link in sig)


My Name is Alex, i am from Austria, i am 33 and try to be allways helpfull and open minded.

I am not a modder myself yet, but i am an experienced Mod User. I know quite a bit about Computers because i sold hardware for part of my life.

I am good with Photoshop and Painter and with my Camera, Pen Tablet and real drawing on Canavas.

I play PC Games since i can hold a mouse and i have no console and probably never will =)


At the Moment i play Dragon Age and after that i most likly start again with Oblivion.


I guess thats all that is to know about me, hi to everyone :D


Cheers Alex

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eeyy alex. Haven't seen you around yet but it's been a long while since i posted in the mod threads. Good to see another potential modder on the forums though.


Thank you :thanks: , i am sure i will find my way in the "not-mod-threads" when time permits :biggrin:



Hi! Glad to see you've decided to come out and play!


I know you from somewhere... no this is not a pickup line :sweat: , i have seen you in another Forum i am sure :biggrin:

Nice to meet you here and thanks for the welcome :thanks:



Hello and Welcome!


Thanks for DA guide! :thumbsup:


Hi Branimirzg, nice to meet you too :thanks:

I am glad you liked the Guide, i hope it can help many beginners getting to mod their game :thumbsup:

becouse (almost) every modder started as mod-user ;)

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