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What level of difficulty do you play on?


What level of difficulty  

143 members have voted

  1. 1. do you play on?

    • Easy
    • Normal
    • Hard
    • Nightmare

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:thumbsup: i`m playing it on hard lol , all i can say it WOW death reload alot ;D


maybe its too hard i have made 3 chars so farr all about level 7-9 about 7-10 hours into the game

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yep, nightmare can do that. Settled myself with the hard for now assuming the saame policy as before on AD&D. AD&D Core rules always were 1 above 'normal' so that actually should be used always I think. Although, while this has absolutely nothing to do with D&D.
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yeah its weird sometimes you can have a little battle and lose then reload and do everthing the same as before and win lol, if you ask me mages are over powerful and other classes are a bit weak......
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Normal, now and always. Just difficult enough to keep me on my toes, not so hard that I partywipe if I don't min/max and plan every fight to a T. Reloading breaks immersion; immersion makes singleplayer games fun for me. Generally, if my whole party dies I'll give it one more try then just take a rest for a while. Tried hard for my second playthrough, but just didn't like it and went back to normal.
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Usually I use Hard because then I dont cheat and the computer doesnt get an advantage either. Well OK I still have the advantage of being able to plan ahead, use potions, and being less random in my spell selection.


Sometimes I use Normal or even Easy when I feel my current party is too awfully underpowered. Like the two Rogue party I had as Dwarf Commoner. I even died on Normal there when I pulled one group and got two, and couldnt quaff healing potions fast enough any more.


Nightmare is too annoying, because then even standard critter take too long to kill.

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normal lol on hard constant reloading took to long, some kind of bug they need to fix i tent to keep a book near by to read while i wait for insane loading times, somtimes a room wil load in 3 seconds other times it can take 10min, i noticed how strange it is to play through one area and cut ur teeth fighing with all ur tactics and potulices however on the reload you blow throu quickly without using a single tactic or potulice, weird
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