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The Edge Chronicles Meets Skyrim


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Hello everyone! I've recently become re-obsessed with The Edge Chronicles, and I was wondering if it would be possible to have a flyable skycraft from Rook's Trilogy in Skyrim? All you have to do is google "Skycraft edge chronicles" to see what they look like; a curved prow with a carved animal head at the front (I guess a wolf would do for skyrim) attached to a seat with a long thin mast behind it (that connects the main sail to the front of the prow) and a long, flat back; two weights are connected under the seat on the hull, and another sail is connected there as well. Obviously, it wouldn't really need all the teeny tiny details (like moving sails or weights or whatever), I would just love the experience of flying around on a skycraft in Skyrim.


If this mod itself isn't possible, does anyone have any recommendations that allow your dragonborn to fly in something that's not very bulky?


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