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Duke Nukem 3d


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Even today, I still play this game, Duke Nukem 3d. I never got tired of killing Pig cops and aliens invading LA and such. Anyone remember the DC add-on as well? That was my favorite episode for this game (though sadly I can't get it to install anymore :( ). Anyone know how to install DC again?


Either way, I still play the main game itself, and it's just as great now as it once was. By the way, did you know you could make maps for the game? Here's a great site I found for Duke 3d map mods and such: http://www.dukerepository.com/


Also, anyone have the anthology (1.4+) version of the game with the fourth episode "The Birth" included? I'd like to hear how it is, as I still have only the older version of it. :thanks:

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I learned most of my modding skills on making duke3d maps due to the complicated activator setup it used for some things (trains were always a problem). Still have the Atomic Edition CD, but havn't been able to get it to work in a non-dos based setup. Had a series of rather cool multiplayer deathmatch maps I made and put on a floppy at one time, but this has likely been lost to the ages.


Unfortunately, being that I didn't have an internet connection at the time, and how multiplayer was still in its infancy, I never really got a chance to play any of those maps against people. A friend of mine at the time did though.


One map in particular was really fun, on the surface it looked like just an open area with a small mine section and some trenches; but the whole map was littered with 1 way walls, secret switches, false sounds, and ways to outright WTFPWN people... as well as clear out and lock down any areas that someone had figured out how to access. Naturally, I was telling my friend all of these, and had gone to considerable lengths to make it a rather daunting task to figure out any of them. Fun times.


I still had some maps that didn't have secret hideaways, but it was those maps with secret areas that I remember most.

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I didn't have any problems installing Duke Nukem 3d, though I know a program called CPUkiller that slows down the CPU has helped a few people install Duke Nukem 3d before.




Though, what did you think of the Anthology version when you had it? How was that fourth episode?

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Though, what did you think of the Anthology version when you had it? How was that fourth episode?

I don't know... I spent more time playing with the level editor than I did playing. About the only thing I recall really using was the lightning sprites, made a neat map with a bunch of plateaus and constant lightning strikes... And more textures are always useful.


Some of the levels were a bit interesting, like the amusement park ones, but not that much. I'd say that of the episodes, 2 and maybe some parts of 3 stand out the most, but usually because I ended up having to restart so many times because of those face hugging things and godmode.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Birth was awesome.


It had a few maps in the middle that were kind of dull, but most of it was bad ass. There was an oil tanker towards the end that was complete pro from beginning to end.



I also loved all the new jokes. "This tape will self destruct in one second!" "Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of Jack!"

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