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Foreign language Articles?


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My two cents: that might work, but in my opinion, it'd quite probably crowd the page and people who scroll through it quickly may think it's one language rather than two and concluded, "This is too long. I don't want to read it." or something like that. IMO, separate articles would be better with the language notification at top.


Well i could put German/English in the articlename and put a big text at the beginning, like "German Language Version at the bottom of the article" so pepole can see it.


Ah yes, thanks for bringing that to my attention. Testing out, but not actually posting an article, it seems that you can put as many words as you need in the name field of posting an article. My bad for not knowing that beforehand. That would probably all you need so they aren't turned off by a seemingly long article, when in actuality it's only half the length.

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My two cents: that might work, but in my opinion, it'd quite probably crowd the page and people who scroll through it quickly may think it's one language rather than two and concluded, "This is too long. I don't want to read it." or something like that. IMO, separate articles would be better with the language notification at top.


Well i could put German/English in the articlename and put a big text at the beginning, like "German Language Version at the bottom of the article" so pepole can see it.


Ah yes, thanks for bringing that to my attention. Testing out, but not actually posting an article, it seems that you can put as many words as you need in the name field of posting an article. My bad for not knowing that beforehand. That would probably all you need so they aren't turned off by a seemingly long article, when in actuality it's only half the length.


No problem, thank you for bringing it to my attention, i dont know how long a Article name can be either, its allready pretty long tbh,...


Oh my this whole issue is demotivating me somehow... you know... you want to do something and are in the flow and then something disrupts you and breaks it... :dry:

I wouldnt have thought that i run into 2 bugs in the site before i even have 100 postings... :rolleyes:

That might be my special luck... :wallbash:

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I have set the article visible again, I have edited the topic title to shorten it as well.....see if you can access it now....verified you are the article owner as well







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I have set the article visible again, I have edited the topic title to shorten it as well.....see if you can access it now....verified you are the article owner as well








Thank you Buddah, i can access it now again. :thanks:


I still have some questions...


Should i make two seperate articles or edit all into one multilanguage Article?

If the site has no preferences for this or that, i guess i will edit it all into one Article.


And could you tell me is there a maximal length to the Article Name?

Was that the reason that i couldnt see it?

Or has it to do with the "hide from public viewing" option?


And do the articles have a maximal length or anything else that limits it?

Not that i again have a problem when i edit it all into one Article.


I hope you can answer me this questions, Thank you again for your help :thumbsup:

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Two topics would be less confusing.....As for the length I am unsure, but it will go so far, then you can continue it in an additional post in the forum thread.


Title length, again I am unsure, but I will check on that.


I think the issue was ownership or being invisible. Which is the most important changes that I made.



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Two topics would be less confusing.....As for the length I am unsure, but it will go so far, then you can continue it in an additional post in the forum thread.


Title length, again I am unsure, but I will check on that.


I think the issue was ownership or being invisible. Which is the most important changes that I made.




Thank you for the answers :thanks:


I will then stay with 2 Articles as you preffered.

Let me know if you find out about the Article & Title length, i try to keep it short.

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FYI - The article will allow for a fairly long tutorial but if you use IMG tags, the site will only show the 1st 10 images I think. You'd have to go to the article topic in the forums area to see the thread which will display all the images.


I'd also recommend keeping each tutorial separated as their own stand-alone tutorial...but I'd also recommend that you add a sort of reference section either at the top or bottom that will link to the other articles in different languages. So if there was one tutorial in 3 different languages, I'd have 3 separate articles but each article would have two links which refer the reader to the different language version of the article.



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FYI - The article will allow for a fairly long tutorial but if you use IMG tags, the site will only show the 1st 10 images I think. You'd have to go to the article topic in the forums area to see the thread which will display all the images.


Thank you for clarifying the Article length for me, i try not to use more than 10 images, shouldnt be an issue.


I'd also recommend keeping each tutorial separated as their own stand-alone tutorial...but I'd also recommend that you add a sort of reference section either at the top or bottom that will link to the other articles in different languages. So if there was one tutorial in 3 different languages, I'd have 3 separate articles but each article would have two links which refer the reader to the different language version of the article.


I allready set it up that way, take a look if you want.

The German Version is almost done, i keep updating it with translations whenever i have time for it till its done.


If you know how long the Articlename can be that could help me still, becouse i am unsure if i can make it longer now or not, i fear the article may vanish again if i make the name longer. :ninja:

Thank you for your help :thanks:

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