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1st time thru Oblivion: unwanted auto repair of multiple damaged equip


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first time playing oblivion, started with vanilla then at level 2 added a few mods


if i attempt to store damaged equipment at my Imperial city shack home and there is more than one of those damaged items, the second damaged item i attempt to add to the storage will immediately repair itself in the container (old chest from storage upgrade for house)


items dropped to the ground will also repair themselves if there is more than one of the damaged items already there


my question: is this a vanilla oblivion 'feature' or is this some unintended consequence from the mods? i want to know before i start over. thanks

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Definitely not vanilla behavior. You'll need to look through your installed mods to figure out which one is the culprit.


Note that in vanilla Oblivion there is a bug that affects weapons and armor stored in containers ... once you have the expert perk and can repair things to 125% if you store items repaired beyond 100% in a container some will "disappear" from the list of items in that container. The missing items are still there, just not displayed in the list (which is of no help if you're looking for where you put JoesReallyReallyCoolSword or similar). The options are to Take All and find your "missing item" in your player inventory or never store items repaired beyond 100%. To get an item that is repaired beyond 100% back down to 100% simply go to a blacksmith with the over-repaired item and at least one item whose condition is less than 100% and select Repair All from the blacksmith's menu.

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dang it. i challenged myself after morrowind to start and finish a game without a restart. so i read and read and read and was doing well until i fell into the mod hole


well gonna try reloading fresh with small number of mods and see if savegames still work so still might pull it out of the fire


wanted to try and avoid having to clean mods and such so keeping my fingers crossed. prolly gonna just surrender my challenge, pay myself a dollar out of my own wallet, then move on

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In all likelyhood you can uninstall the offending mod and after the game squawks about a missing mod and content you'll be fine.


Another tip for future playthroughs ... when you get to the point in the tutorial dungeon where you first see the sewer exit in the distance (just before you get the character finalization menus) make a save. Never use quicksave as it's a known corrupter of save files (plus it always overwrites it's last save). Use the save from the Esc menu or named console saves and don't overwrite. The before the sewer exit save will come in handy in the future for starting a new character without needing to redo the entire tutorial dungeon.


If you also make a save immediately after exiting the sewer you can use that one to continue your character after installing mods. After making that save go to the Imperial City Market District and make a third save. Use that save to test mods after you've installed them. Once you have a stable base of your preferred mods then go back to your outside the sewer exit save and continue your game.


When your saves folder starts to get full (I usually let it get up to 100 to 200 saves) move all but your most recent saves to a backup folder outside of the game's saves folder (I have a separate hard drive for backups). You'll be able to tell your saves folder is too full when menus start getting sluggish opening.

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lol. yes ty. but im not quite that much of a noob. i really did read at least four hours before starting to play so i had a decent idea of the game mechanics


i was going to try to play just with what steam provided even knowing there were some remaining bugs. but then i found one of the bugs and decided to go ahead with the latest unofficial patch. once i did that i sort of fell into that rabbit hole, the mod hole


a couple careers ago i was a C programmer so im sure i could pick up modding to fix stuff, i just was hoping to avoid it all. but you know, you dip your toe in and all of a sudden you dive right it. and suddenly your equipment you wanted to raise your armorer skill on suddenly starts repairing itself. dammit!

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No problem.


You're one of the few and the proud then if you actually research first. Don't be a stranger here ... many hands make lighter work and there's no better way to keep your own game problem free (or relatively so) than letting others make your mistakes for you.

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well it was more just a personal challenge. i knew i could just dive in but i would need to restart a bunch of times like i did with morrowind. i could tell by the uesp pages that Oblivion was similar to Morrowind in many ways so i researched enough to find the critical ones and tried to see if i could just start once


but idk yet whether im gonna be able to do that ...

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Something I find invaluable for my "hmm ... I wonder what will happen if ..." experiments is Multiple Oblivion Manager - MOM. Great for handling multiple characters (each with his own mod list etc.) and even better at providing a "try this out" profile, keeping my main guys' profiles free from the effects of an inquiring mind (well free from the bad effects).

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