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Strange bug at the Sky color


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Hi, I'm with a problem at my Skyrim's Sky. Usually the colors of my sky are in order and without contrast, but today when I entered the game, the sky is like this:




I've disabled all mods related to Sky, but the bug still persists (remembering that before the sky was normal, so I don't think the problem is that my computer doesn't support the graphics). Could anyone help me solve this problem?

Edited by HadouSama
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  • 3 years later...

Dont install Loot, as the Author said, it can help sort a load order, but it wont do so for all Mods. Loot always kills my Load order, thats why i used it 3 times and did uninstall it 3 times and revert its changes back.


YOur bug here isnt a load order bug, it is a texture buch it seems, maybe comes from a cloud mod or sky mod which installed different textures and overwriten other textures. If you use Loot now, it changes your mods and Loot has No idea how you installed your textures and which textures you diddnt install, diddnt overwite, also whcih you did install and which you did overwrite.


Loot isn't a Program to do one click and everything is done, loot should be seen as dangerous for peoples who have no idea how to sort an loadorder.


Take a Look at Loots description please, before using it as the Author said: "i wont do so for all mods" and "use it carefully" and "loot cannot sort textures" etc.

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