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Mod Req: Persuasion = Haggle Skill


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Pretty self-explanatory, I think.


Would it be possible for there to be a mod created that altered the effects of the Persuasion skill so that ranks taken resulted in progressively higher sell prices and lower buy prices? See the table below:




[th]Persuasion Rank[/th]

[th]Discount off of Goods Purchased[/th]

[th]Premium on Goods Sold[/th]



[td]Rank 1[/td]





[td]Rank 2[/td]





[td]Rank 3[/td]





[td]Rank 4[/td]






If that could be made, I think it add another useful dimension to taking ranks in the Persuasion skill. Thank you!


EDIT:...I guess there is no BB Code support for tables (or I don't know how to do them right), but anyway, I hope people understand what the request is for.

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No one thinks Persuasion could be useful if acted like a haggle/barter ability, too?



I think it's a good idea, but I don't really have time or inclination to do it, but I'd probably use it, if you figured out how to make it.


I encourage you to make the request at the official forums if you don't get any interest here, and think about learning to do it yourself, this seems like it would be doable. I'll bet you could get some help if you try to do it yourself.

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