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OBSE Microstuttering


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Before I start, I want to clarify that I've already searched on google but haven't found a solution. All the other solutions deal with stuttering with Oblivion without OBSE, where installing OSR could fix the problem. In this case, OBSE causes the problem, and OSR has no effect.


Basically, If OBSE is used to start Oblivion, the screen stutters every 5 seconds. The stutter doesn't happen when Oblivion is started without OBSE. This stutter occurs when turning, moving, or scrolling through the inventory. One other thing is that I've already installed Oblivion stutter remover, and tweeked with its settings, but it did not take away the stutter.


Mods that require OBSE:


Enhanced music control

Better music system


If there's anything else you need to know, do tell. It's a small issue, but it bugs me badly and I really want to fix it.


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What type of sound card are you using (i.e. onboard audio or discrete sound card)?


- Edit - Some further thoughts on the matter ... your problem isn't with OBSE but one or both of your music control mods (are both supposed to be used at the same time??). You can prove this yourself quite easily by uninstalling the two music control mods but leaving OBSE installed and working. My bet is you'll find your micro-stuttering is gone.

Edited by Striker879
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It's probably not OBSE that is causing your problem, but one of the mods that requires OBSE. If a mod requires OBSE, and OBSE is not present - then that mod never loads and never runs in the game at all. Often this causes an immediate Crash when you start the game, but sometimes it will run. But that mod isn't doing anything without OBSE.


If both of your music control mods do require it - there is likely a conflict between them.

I don't see anything in the mod description for Better Music System that says it needs OBSE so It may work without it.

However, Enhanced music control does require OBSE, and will only be active if OBSE is loaded

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