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New Vegas Video editing tools?


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Does anyone know if there is in game tools to help with making cinematics? Like i know there is poses and what not, but animations? Ive seen a few fo3 videos where it looks pretty damm customized (The DC Chronicles). I know about commands with tfc tfc1 and all that jazz but was just curious if there is more stuff out there :smile:

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My Karma Ran Over Your Dogma Was a little piece I knocked together to express how I felt about the game's reputation system, on these forums. It used almost every cheat and mod and animation tool then available.


Three Card Bounty used a lot of mod materials but I don't recall using any animations on that. Just a shedload of post effects.


Compared to From The Grave which is nearly vanilla content and pretty restrained in spfx... restrained for me anyway.


The problem you may find is that the heavy duty animation mods like the dance one I used in My Karma were interdependent on other mods and sometimes the other mod is no longer supported or taken down and bingo, the whole chain collapses...


And your probably going to get horribly familiar with the [setpos] and [fov #] functions. Deep Joy! :blush:


PM me if you you think I can help, I may have some of the mods, still rar-ed or zipped on a drive somewhere.

Edited by SayinNuthin
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