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repeatable random grey aliens encounters


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Hi people, i was thinking if it was possible to make several grey aliens wandering the fallout 3 land, and if it is possible too to make them apear at night time.

i know there is some mods that deliver it but i just want a few grey aliens that spawn in random places once in a while, not an alien fleet with army of machines, and not the alien from the movie alien( i like that movie ) just the naked bright green skin big eyes and small grey aliens...

if it is possible to make it in a simple way please let me know, im not a moder but i can lern.

Thanks in advance if anyone is interserted to help.

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I actually like this idea and have thought about something similar for some time. My idea was more along the lines of random alien encounters like you stated, but also have a quest involved to find the source of the aliens. I would think that the aliens would have had some form of forward base on the surface. I just have too many things in my plate right now to attempt the work, but perhaps in the future. The adding of the random aliens would not really be that hard, but it would be a little time consuming to get it all done right.

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  • 1 year later...

Very possible to do. Could basically choose which encounter level range you would start seeing them at. For instance there is a level for dogs, molerats, bloatflies and another one for deathclaws and albino radscorpions. There are some other level groups in between.


You could then somehow add a condition to only spawn after at/after midnight. I could possibly look into this.

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